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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 July 21, 2022 – Armstrong on Moon

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART DLXXXIX] – Covid-19 and Economy

Indubitably, the one topic that dominates submissions for dissemination is Covid-19 and,
thus, an effort will be made to group them to maximize impact; in many respects, the
diagnosis of *Woke Medicine* is worth recalling as autocracy continues to rage.

A judge in Uruguay suspended injections of Pfizer‘s mRNA vaccine in children under age
13 until certain “conditions” were met, including contract disclosure. He ordered
production of a Report regarding the Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines including Any
Presence of “Graphene Oxide” or “Nanotechnological Elements.” This relates to noting
that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA Vaccines Can MODIFY DNA in the Human Genome and triggered
CDC Officials to scramble to Change “Problematic” Definition of ‘Vaccine, Vaccinated’
Because Experimental mRNA Jab Did Not Qualify Under Old Definition.

Such shenanigans have prompted Health experts to quit CDC/FDA/NIH due to ‘bad
science’ as Scientists/Doctors convey Regret. For example, CDC adverse effect assessment
compares vaccines but obscures absolute toxicity; Covid Shots Affected NEARLY HALF
(42%) of Women’s Menstrual Cycles, prompting the NY Times FINALLY to Admit (a Year
After Gateway Pundit) that the Experimental COVID Vaccine May Affect Menstruation.
Overall, there were allegedly 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because of Covid Vax.

Awareness of these internal forces includes knowledge that the FBI Investigated Fauci
Agency and, as per Judicial Watch, NIH Records Reveal FBI Inquiry of Wuhan Grant;
indeed, FBI Investigated Decision by NIH, Fauci and Dr. Collins to Fund Wuhan Lab – And
Its Controversial Testing of Bat Coronavirus — BUT SAID NOTHING. No wonder Fauci
wants to retire after a half-century running the NIAID [one step ahead of the law]; most
recently, Fauci Says COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Infection “Overly Well” —
Admits It Didn’t Protect Him From Infection. Recalling my 2020 *anti-Fauci diatribe*, I’d
welcomed adding a counterbalance when Dr. Scott Atlas “Saved the World and became a
Hero for the Ages” During COVID Crisis Against Dr. Birx and the Deep State. [Former
Trump COVID Honcho Birx Admits to Deceiving the White House and Just Making Stuff up
to Push Her Personal Agenda.] These culprits will have to await prosecution until 2024.

Vaccinated People Getting COVID at Higher Rates Than the Unvaccinated, Vaccines now
RAISE the risk of death from Covid and Hospitalization, While Having Almost No Effect on
Covid; toxicity was manifest as Post-Jab Cancer Explosion And Excess Mortality.

Knowing this, few people in the mainstream medical community agree with Vinay
Prasad’s alarm, even after the UK Government Reported the Vaccinated account for 94%
of all COVID-19 Deaths Since April, 90% of Which Were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed. In fact,
Death claims up $6 BILLION: Fifth-largest life insurance company paid out for 163% more
working-age deaths in 2021 after covid “vaccines” were unleashed, while Unvaccinated
Adults Found ”No increase in Myocarditis and Pericarditis” Following COVID Infection.

Despite this info, punitive activity persists; San Diego Lost 22% Of Its Police Force Due To
Vax Mandates, while a Rhode Island bill aims to fine, tax eligible residents if they aren’t
vaccinated against COVID-19. Deceit abounds, as Underground Moms Group Exposes LA
Public Health’s Plan to Return to Mandates the County’s Own Doctors Say Aren’t Needed.

Internationally, weird events abound; Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax
Rate is 1.4%, Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World and Canada
Destroyed 13.6 Million Doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Because No One Wants it
Domestically or Abroad. Not to be forgotten when pondering the future, Gates-Funded
International Organization Names 11 Viruses As Potential Candidates for the “Next
Pandemic” that some fear could be invoked to interfere with the Midterms, while Billions
Continue to Be Laundered Through the NIH to China’s Biowarfare Program. No wonder
Pfizer Asked Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because the US Government Was
Aware of Vaccine Fraud. Here’s a set of SHORT educational videos on the COVID shots.
And here’s an ominous observation: World Health Organization Reopens Negotiations
On Global ‘Pandemic Treaty’ For ‘Equitable,’ ‘Inclusive’ Universal Health Care.

Inflation/Recession are eroding the USA [Inflation ‘Front and Center’ in Minds of Voters,
Has to Be ‘the Priority’ and Even Leftist Jeff Bezos Goes After Brandon for Spreading Lies
and Not Understanding Cause of the Failing Economy and Brandon Blames Unvaccinated
Americans for Inflation and What We’re facing today is ‘a lot worse’ than the Depression
and Dems want to increase taxes/spending and Inflation Explodes to 9.1% – The Largest
12-Month Increase Since the Period Ending November 1981]. Why? Liberal World Order:
Brandon Economic Advisor Brian Deese After Inflation Explodes to 9.1%: “More Urgency
Than Ever to Pass” New Spending Bills. Know that he’s among a Ship of Fools: 62% of
Brandon Officials Who Handle Economic Policy Have Zero Years Business Experience.

There are other forces at-play, such as the Supply Chain Crisis: 70,000 Self-Employed
Truckers in California Forced Off The Road Under New Dem State Law. Noting that lotsa
people have dropped from the work-force (explaining the low unemployment rate), The
Decline Of The American Work Ethic Will Exacerbate The Oncoming Recession. And along
comes Sen. John Kennedy Piles Damning Facts on Brandon’s ‘Deeply, Profoundly Stupid’
Energy Policy. Even Saudi Crown Prince MBS Dropped Truth on Brandon About His Energy
Policies and Inflation. Brandon’s “hope” for relief? Fugget it. Bidenflation Pushes Diesel
Prices Sky-High, Smashing Farmers, Truckers, and Consumers.

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