Bob McDonnell and Republican Establishment Attack Pro-gun Catherine Crabill


What did this lady, Catherine Crabill, say that is wrong?

Here is what the “leaders” said according to the WaPo:

To the statements:

From Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins:
“We do not condone or support the comments Catherine Crabill has made. That kind of talk has no place in civil political discourse. She has received no assistance from the state party, nor will she in the future.”

From Tucker Martin, spokesman for McDonnell:
“It’s absolutely wrong for any candidate of any party to refer to the actions of the President of the United States and members of the United States Congress as ‘domestic terrorism,’ and to threaten to resort to violence if one fails to prevail in elections,” Martin said, in what he said was his first public comment on the issue. “We disavow Catherine Crabill’s comments and know that they do not reflect the sentiments of Republicans across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Republicans, Democrats and Independents in Virginia have a history of civil discourse and we will not campaign for or with Catherine Crabill.”

From Matt Wells of the Bolling camp:
“Lieutenant Governor Bolling disagrees strongly with Ms. Crabill’s comments and he rejects those comments in the strongest possible terms. Comments like these have no place in a political campaign. Ms. Crabill was clearly speaking for herself, not for Lieutenant Governor Bolling, any of our other statewide candidates, or the Republican Party of Virginia. We have no plans to campaign for or with Ms. Crabill.”

And, rounding out the denunciations, from Chris LaCivita of Cuccinelli’s campaign:
“Our campaign has no intention of campaigning with Catherine Crabill,” he said. “Our campaign does not believe in using violence or threats of violence in a manner to entice people to vote.”

Crabill’s response is that the video was selectively edited before finally being posted in its entirety. She stands by her statements in dfenese of the Second Amendment and the original intent of the drafters of the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.

 Ken Cuccinelli is the guy running around talking about the Gadsden flag!   Why did he let loose Chris LaCivita to attack her?

This lady is being targeted by the Republican establishment and the Democrats for nothing more than quoting Patrick Henry and accurately stating the purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

Oh, and she defends Ron Paul.

McDonnell and the establishment are attacking her and disavowing her because they are scared of the Democrat’s attacks on them.

Well duh!

It’s the cringing dog that gets kicked.

So they want her to drop out of the race against Pollard? They are refusing to provide her with any support in her legislative race.

What a bunch of Damn Cowards!

What she said is no more radical than Suzzana Gratia Hupp telling Schumer at a House hearing on TV back in the nineties that “we” need our guns to protect our selves from people like you. She went on to be elected a Texas State Rep.

This is no more radical than U.S. Senator Steve Symms (R-ID) saying we had the ballot box, the jury box and the catridge box.

This is no more radical than our founders who not only espoused the idea of armed resistance to tyrants – Sic Semper Tyrannis – but acted on it. It is the Commonwealth’s motto for crying out loud!

The tax-raising, anti-gun Bob McDonnell is leading the pack of political cowards:

This is the video of what she said:

She needs to be defended by gun owners, liberty lovers and C4L folks in VA.

Call Bob McDonnell and tell him to stop cowering before his enemies.  Tell him to publicly apologize for his 1993 votes  to pass one-gun-a-month and to ban selected self-defense shotguns.

Tell him he can’t make friends of his enemies by making enemies of his friends.

Call him at 804-283-0685.