Watch hot-dog eating champ Takeru Kobayashi down an entire gallon of milk in just 20 seconds... after eating a record 13 cupcakes in one minute

  • Takeru Kobayashi easily completed the 'gallon milk challenge'
  • It is often attempted by college students and celebrities

It is a challenge favoured by college students and celebrities.

But rarely has anyone completed the 'gallon milk challenge' is such impressive fashion as Takeru Kobayashi.

The former hot dog eating champion downed an entire gallon of whole milk in just 20 seconds.

Amazingly, he set the record after eating 13 cupcakes in a minute. 


Building up: Takeru Kobayashi starts by psyching himself up as he holds his gallon of whole milk

Building up: Takeru Kobayashi starts by psyching himself up as he holds his gallon of whole milk

Tough: After an announced revealed Kobayashi would attempt to drink the milk in less than a minute, he begins his challenge

Tough: After an announced revealed Kobayashi would attempt to drink the milk in less than a minute, he begins his challenge

Challenge: With his eyes fixed on the milk carton, he looks relaxed at ease as he begins to down the milk

Challenge: With his eyes fixed on the milk carton, he looks relaxed at ease as he begins to down the milk


A YouTube video posted yesterday, shows Kobayashi behind a table in front of a crowd of people.

A man holding a microphone tells the crowd: 'We are going to try and drink a gallon milk in a minute.'

As the crowd starts counting down from ten, Kobayashi psychs himself up with the large container of milk.

Holding the carton with both hands, he then starts drinking, taking enormous gulps without a break.

Despite setting the target of one minute, Kobayashi races through the carton. Only a few tiny drops escape from his mouth.

Impressive: Within seconds, the former hot dog eating champion drinks huge amounts of the milk

Impressive: Within seconds, the former hot dog eating champion drinks huge amounts of the milk

Fast: Lifting the bottle up to his face, he quickly drinks the remaining liquid

Fast: Lifting the bottle up to his face, he quickly drinks the remaining liquid

After about 20 seconds, the milk is gone and Kobayashi tosses away the carton nonchalantly.

The clearly impressed announcer at Uncle Bob's Self Storage in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, says: 'That was certainly less than a minute.'

Kobayashi was previously banned from Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in 2011.

He won the competition every year between 2001 and 2006.

Success: The crowd cheer and clap as he finishes the bottle

Success: The crowd cheer and clap as he finishes the bottle

Happy: Kobayashi nonchalantly tosses away the carton away after completing the challenge

Happy: Kobayashi nonchalantly tosses away the carton after completing the challenge

Recently, he has devoured 337 chicken wings in a half-hour.

The gallon milk challenge has gained popularity in the U.S.

It is often attempted by high school and college students, as well as celebrities.

A person is given 60 minutes to drink a full gallon of whole milk without vomiting.