[Land Ho!] Writer Application
Avast! Welcome to the Land Ho! Writer application! 

Land Ho! is our main physical zine that focuses on showcasing location based art and stories from the folks who live there. We Go! is our travel add-on that focuses on characters traveling within the world of One Piece and visiting new places!

Contributor Apps will close on May 24th, 2024 at 11:59PM PST!

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Please read the following GUIDELINES closely! 
  • All applicants must be 18 years of age AT TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMISSION. In addition, all contributors must have either a PayPal or eTransfer (Canada only).
  • Please make sure that all submitted links are accessible to the mod team. Moderators will not be contacting applicants if we cannot access your links. If your link is inaccessible we will, unfortunately, have to dismiss your application.
  • You must have a Discord account or be willing to make one. All communication for the zine will be done through Discord, no other platform will be used. You must be responsive to any pings or messages from the mod team.
  • Previous zine experience is not required; contributors will be chosen based on skill and how well their submitted pieces fit the theme of the zine. All work submitted must be yours.
  • Contributors must be at at least post time skip in either the manga or the anime due to updates to location lore.
  • You must be able to meet all deadlines laid out in our schedule. Failure to submit two check-ins starting with pitches will result in removal from the zine. You are expected to meet all deadlines on time.

For more specific role guidelines, please visit our carrd.
Zine Requirements
  • Writers will be required to create two written pieces for the zine totaling between 500 and 750 words each.
  • One (1) fic will be for a major location or "spread" and one (1) will be for a minor location.
  • Types of writing include: narratives, letters, island descriptions (be it from a person or textbook perspective).
  • All fics are required to be from the perspectives of the people who live there, no visitors. These people must also be writing during the time period in which they are living there. For example: If you want to write Luffy on Dawn Island, it must be from between when he was a child until he set sail. Sanji in Germa needs to be when he was a child, etc.
Preferred Name *
Discord Username
A Discord is required to be in the zine as that is how all important information will be relayed.
Main Social Media Link
Please make sure this is a clean link.

Application Requirements
  • Three (3) fics with each fic having a max word count of 1500. Excerpts are okay but one (1) must be a completed piece.
  • All samples must be SFW. NSFW pieces will be disregarded and not count as a submitted sample.
  • A portfolio of five (5) or more additional pieces submitted through Drive, Carrd, AO3, or another folder/share program/site. Your portfolio should not contain NSFW pieces. If your portfolio is AO3 and contains NSFW pieces, that is fine. Drive or any other portfolio submission that contains NSFW pieces will be disregarded.
  • We would love to see pieces with emphasis on worldbuilding or slice of life, but it is not required.
  • Works featuring minor character (like Paulie, Perona, Nojiko, etc.) are also encouraged but not required.
  • Writers are expected to have a solid grasp of the English language with regards to grammar and sentence structure and be interested in writing from less common character perspectives.
Sample #1 *
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Sample #2 *
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Sample #3 *
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Please provide a portfolio of five (5) or more additional pieces submitted through Drive, Carrd, AO3, or another folder/share program/site. Your portfolio should not contain NSFW pieces. If your portfolio is AO3 and contains NSFW pieces, that is fine. Drive or any other portfolio submission that contains NSFW pieces will be disregarded.
For Land Ho!, we will be assigning locations that each accepted writer will pitch from upon entry into the server for their main written piece. Please note that this WILL have an effect on your application as we want to make sure that we have as all listed locations represented in the zine,

Please select which locations interest you and that you can and are willing to make pieces for. Please be honest about this answer as you will not be allowed to change the listed locations that we ask you to pitch for.

For the companion piece assignments, there will be a brief pitch period after Page Artist assignments are released so we can get an accurate location list for you to pitch for.
Please select your top 3 choices from the following locations. *
Please select 2 locations that you WOULD NOT want to be assigned.
We hope to not assign outside of your selected list, but if we do we would like to know which locations you would NOT be interested in.

If there are NO locations that apply, please select "I am fine with any location". 
Which types of written piece(s) would you be willing to create for the zine?
Do you have any ideas about what pieces you would be interested in creating?
This does not affect your application in any way.
Would you like to contribute to the add-on zine We Go!?
Note: This will be in ADDITION to your piece count requirement. So on top of your written pieces, you would be making another piece for a total of three.

If you have any interest in contributing to the add-on zine, please select yes. You are not held to this but we would like to see how many folks are interested in contributing.

Please note: We Go! does not follow the location, piece orientation, and character restrictions of Land Ho!
Are you interested in being a pinch hitter?
Pinch hitters are those called to submit a piece in the instance a contributor drops out. Pinch hitters may have a severely shortened work period. If you select yes and do not make it into the zine, you will receive an email to verify that you are on our pitch hitter list. This answer does not affect your application.
If you are interested in being a pinch hitter, what is the absolute minimum amount of time you would need to complete a piece, from idea to final submission?
Do you have any comments?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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