F76: Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.2 due to not advising, or not providing a link to the advice prior to the control that causes a change in context or not providing advice that is programatically associated with the control.



  • Action item from David and John to amend F76. Note during the call, it was assumed the previous title for the failure was mistaken, however, on re reading it, it is actually correct, but not worded as clearly as possible.



This failure relates to:


Without being advised prior to encountering a control, unexpected change of context due to change of user interface setting can sometimes confuse users. Users must receive advice of the behavior prior to such an encounter. Providing the advice in a way in which the user may not have the opportunity to review the advice before encountering the change in context may leave opportunity for confusion.


Failure Example 1: Content is placed in a row above column headings

Not providing advise, or not providing a link to advice (which could be part of an instruction manual) prior to encountering the control, or not providing a programatic association to the advice on the control (i.e., using aria-describedby) represent failures of 3.2.2. In the case of a multi-step process, it would be a failure not to provide instruction at a part of the process prior to the step where they may encounter such change of context.


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For every occurrence of a change of context due to change of user interface setting

  1. Is there advise about the behavior prior encountering of the change of context?
  2. Is there a link to advice(as part of an instruction manual, or direct advice) prior to encountering of the change of context?
  3. Are instructions programmatically associated with the control (i.e., using aria-describedby)?

Expected Results

If #1 AND #2 AND #3 are false, then this failure condition applies and the content fails the Success Criterion.