Storm over BJP flags on boat during feast at Kharewaddo

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 05, 2023, 12:35 AM IST


A boat with BJP flags participating in the St Peter's Feast celebrations at Kharewado jetty has sparked off a political storm, with Goa Fishing Boat Owners Association (GFBOA) President Jose Philip D'Souza demanding an enquiry into the incident from Vasco BJP MLA Krishna Salkar.

D'Souza told reporters on Tuesday that he would also take up the issue with Chief Minister Pramod Sawant.

"St Peter's Feast is a tradition and a religious function observed by fishermen across Goa for centuries and this event must not be a platform to indulge in politics. We invite a priest and perform a Litany, followed by the blessing of the sea and fishing equipment. The feast has special sentiments and emotions attached to it,” said D’Souza.

“I was shocked to see a boat which was fully adorned with BJP flags and balloons participating in the feast and this incident has caused unrest in the community. I am the NCP state president but I have never mixed politics with religious events or any issues pertaining to the fishing community.”

D'Souza wondered if the incident was intended to create communal disharmony between the fishermen and to give it a political colour.

"This is for the first time in so many years that we came across such an incident and while we may have different political affiliations, this must not come in the way of our religious functions. We have seen riots in other states which have started with such small incidents.”

“We want to know who had brought the boat here and what was the motive behind this? I will take the issue up with Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and I also request Vasco BJP MLA Krishna Salkar to carry out an enquiry because this incident has sent a wrong message and can be a bad precedent in the future.”

“We will not tolerate such incidents and the next course of action will be decided after our meeting with other members of the association," said D'Souza.

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