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ADHD: A Beginner's Guide

Alan Ravitz MD
Updated Feb 15, 2017, 10:11am EST
This article is more than 7 years old.

As a child psychiatrist with over 35 years of experience, I've seen thousands of children and families. While they present for a variety of reasons, the most common is a boy or girl struggling in school – academically, behaviorally, socially, or any combination of the three. When faced with this complaint, I ask a lot of questions: a careful history is still the best diagnostic tool. When I hear that the child has difficulty paying attention; that he makes careless mistakes because he rushes through his work; that her mind seems to be elsewhere, even when there is no obvious source of distraction; that he has difficulty following through on instructions; or that she is disorganized, loses and/or forgets things, talks too much, has difficulty sitting still, butts into conversations or other activities, or is impulsive and often acts before considering the consequences, the first thing I think about is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

What Is ADHD?

Although ADHD isn’t the only reason someone might manifest such symptoms, it is the most likely cause, since it is by far the most common neurodevelopment disorder of childhood. The estimated prevalence of ADHD falls in the wide range of 2% to 18%. According to the most recent American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), ADHD is prevalent in 5% of children and 2.5% of adults.

According to the DSM, three key features define ADHD - inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Inattention is seen as difficulty paying attention in class, making careless mistakes, lack of persistence, and disorganization. Kids with inattention/distractibility will often lose or forget things and resist doing homework. Hyperactivity presents as fidgetiness, restlessness, and talking too much in situations where one should be quiet. Symptoms of Impulsivity include acting without thinking, social intrusiveness, blurting out answers, and/or engaging in high-risk behaviors.

How Is ADHD Diagnosed?

Many people have some of these symptoms, but to qualify for a diagnosis of ADHD, these must be severe enough to interfere with functioning, not simply the result of a general tendency to be oppositional or defiant. A bad attitude doesn’t make the diagnosis, although a lot of kids with untreated ADHD eventually become demoralized and pessimistic. The symptoms have to be present in more than one setting, such as home, school, extracurricular, or work environments. If someone is inattentive or impulsive in just one set of circumstances, I always consider an environmental cause for the difficulties.

ADHD does not represent a global deficit in the ability to pay attention; when confronted with tasks that interest them – video games, athletics, even reading – kids with ADHD can often sustain attention for long periods of time. Kids with ADHD typically do well in new situations, one-to-one settings, and tasks where they receive frequent positive reinforcement for their behavior. Parents frequently tell me when I obtain a history that their kids do well in subjects that engage their interest; but when I ask how they do when the subjects are boring, the answer is almost invariably: "Poorly." In my initial interview with children with ADHD, they sit still, pay attention, and are perfectly compliant, but they still have real problems in school and at home.

When families raise concerns about possible ADHD, it is important that a clinician obtain a very careful history, including information from the child, parents, school, pediatrician, and any other collateral sources such as therapists, coaches, and daycare/after school providers. If the problems occur primarily at home, I often consider whether there are family issues, such as marital discord, or parenting issues such as inconsistent limit setting. When the problems occur primarily at school, I often suggest neuropsychological testing to rule out a specific learning disability resulting in frustration and/or demoralization of the child. ADHD is not the only reason kids can have difficulty paying attention, and it is important to rule out depression, anxiety, or other more serious psychiatric issues.

Medication And Side Effects

When it comes to treatment of the core symptoms, the most effective intervention is medication with psychomotor stimulants. The medication works by increasing the availability of dopamine, a neurotransmitter, in the brain. When these meds work, people feel more focused and less impulsive.

Usually, finding the best fit prescription for a particular patient involves choosing the medication that offers the appropriate duration of activation for that person's lifestyle and/or school schedule. School age children typically do best with long-acting agents; when my patients enter college, however, I often switch them to shorter-acting meds since college education typically doesn’t consist of full days in class.

The most common side effects of ADHD meds are decreased appetite and insomnia; in addition, some people can experience anxiousness, irritability, or feeling emotionally flattened. More often than not, side effects can be managed by changing the dosage or the administration schedule. When side effects cannot be managed using one of these strategies, other non-stimulant medications are also available.

Non-Pharmacological Treatments

While non-pharmacological treatments exist for ADHD, a study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry notes that such treatments are typically more helpful for associated, rather than core, symptoms. For example, behavioral treatment is often quite effective in treating oppositionality and poor school performance. One-on-one tutoring helps in regards to academics. Summer intensive programs, offered by many organizations, have proven helpful in building self-esteem and improving social skills.

Ongoing Treatment

Once diagnosed and on medication for ADHD, will your child have to take medication his or her whole life? It’s complicated. The answer depends on the severity of these problems, what sorts of real life obligations one encounters, and a number of other issues. Hyperactivity often drops out of the picture as children enter adolescence; problems with inattention, distractibility, and impulsivity may remain. Many adults continue to benefit from medications, and based on the available research, there are no long-term side effects.