Even if we try to go down the history lane, it’s impossible to track the origin of straws(or pipes) with clarity; how this invention became an inevitable part of our lives, and how it became familiar to almost everyone on the face of Earth is a mystery. Be a person with no resources or the richest man on earth, everyone has come across them in some form at some point in time.

The widely used type is a plastic straw. They are cheap, easily available, offer a range of thickness and size to choose from, and the list of their pros is never-ending; but recently the environmentalists have brought to light the repercussions of using these plastic straws, as they are not easily degradable and thus only add to the plastic waste.

As per a report, if the global population adheres to a standard of one disposable face mask per day, the pandemic could result in a monthly global consumption and waste of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves. With the ongoing pandemic, we can’t replace using masks, gloves and PPE kits with a sustainable alternative, but we can at least do our bit by creating a balance and adopting smarter options for other daily use items.

A lot of solutions varying from avoiding stirrers or straws to using an alternative material for their production came forward but the most efficient solution was to use metal straws.

Just like metal utensils — a choice of many, these straws are here to stay, especially when using a straw is enjoyed by people of all age groups. Here are the reasons why metal straws have an advantage over the rest of the options:


The raw material used being metal is always durable and has a long life as compared to straws made from other materials. The wear and tear is less even after prolonged use; either wash it with plain water or by a soap solution scrubbing it with a tiny brush (they usually come in the packet).


The plastic straws or stirrers are not suitable when it comes to having hot beverages; despite having fine quality, plastic items stand the risk of releasing some plastic content, which is toxic, in drinks with time thus just like switching from plastic bottles to copper, glass or steel bottles we should also make a shift in using the straws. Metal straws are suitable for both hot and cold beverages and are especially safe for kids who are more inclined towards using straws.


Investing money in purchasing a packet or just a single unit of metal straw is actually economical, not just are you contributing towards conserving nature but you are also saving that extra penny in the long run. The plastic used in straws is hazardous and can cause serious health problems if consumed. Not just the metal straw looks classy but it also appears as a smart investment/decision.

Risk to Environment

Plastic straws are both harmful for our health and environment as they take a lot of time to degrade, an alternative to these came in the form of using wooden cutlery, especially made from bamboo but then again they are not reusable and are of no use in the long run. Wooden items come from trees and thus again increase our dependency on the biotic components, instead using a metal straw is safe as it has almost no side effect when it comes to looking at things in a broader frame.


Metal straws can be carried anywhere and everywhere, as they are compact and do not break easily, unlike bamboo straws. Either put it in your handbag or in your luggage, they take absolutely no space thus leaving you with no excuse as to why you shouldn’t carry or use them on the go. When it comes to cleaning, they appear as low maintenance, either clean it with water, wipe it with a piece of cloth, or if you are too lazy then just put them in your dishwasher (yes they are dishwasher and sterilizer safe) or just blow in to check for any blockage & voila they are ready to be used (reused).


Doing your bit for the environment is not just a noble cause but in the age of social media it is seen as something trendy, now imagine carrying your own straw and using it in a gathering, the level of respect and admiration you will draw towards yourself is beyond your imagination. Your choice will speak for you and attract the attention of people towards you and your lifestyle choices, and who knows you may become the next big influencer by using those classy straws. Remember how we all admire our celebrities and their activities.

So for whatever above-mentioned reasons you use metal straws for, just remember that it eventually comes down to being beneficial for you and your loved ones, so start living sustainably and don’t just restrict the concept to classrooms and textbooks.

This World Environment Day, let’s reimagine, recreate & restore!

Click here to buy a pack of METAL STRAW

Why Samsung Galaxy Buds+ are not for me!? An Honest Review By A Tech Noob

My search for a pair of wireless earphones came to an end when i saw the launch trailer of Samsung Galaxy Buds+, with commendable audio (powered by AKG), long lasting battery life (11 hours play time) and QI compatible wireless charging (5 minutes of charge lasts for an hour), 2-Way speakers for rich sound and triple mics for clear voice calls, there was nothing else which I can ask for in my price range.

Don’t get me wrong, the Samsung Galaxy Buds+ are perfect for my outdoor activities (the sole reason why I bought them) other than being lightweight, they offer excellent sound involvement with features like noise cancellation (not Active NC though which you can find in Apple Earpods Pro) and ambient sound control, giving you a wholesome buds experience and space for a hassle-free time.

But all the goodness comes with its own issues, let’s take a look at some of them.

Bluetooth control and Connectivity 

The interesting feature of connecting the ear buds to the device by just  opening the case or by tapping the device on the case does not work all the time, and it comes down to us actually opening the settings, selecting the devices and pairing them(which is as time consuming as any other Bluetooth connection). Other than that if you have recently connected your device to some other output source and the Buds are second on the list, the setting will not catch and connect it automatically(even though the previous device is now disabled)  but you will have to do so manually.

Touch Sensors 

Though the touch options  like pause, receive, rewind, volume up/down, skip, etc. come handy and saves time but it may pose to pe problematic due to its extremely sensitive nature; for instance while working out if your hand accidentally touches the surface the video/audio will change depending on the intensity of the touch and its association with the specific feature. Another issue appears when your finger is either wet or greasy, the touch sensor will not respond well in such a situation.

Proper Fit 

The buds come with different ear plugs of different sizes to give the user an option to choose from according to their ear size; also, the exterior design of adding a fin which fits well in the earlobe provides more grip and stability to the device but they all fall short when it comes to sweat;  imagine yourself doing a high intensity workout and your are on your second round of Burpees, you are drenched in sweat and while moving your earlobes get sweaty in such a situation the ear buds will become loose and chances are that they will slip out of your ear. They won’t fall off when you jump or run or dance but they surely have no resistance against sweat (the necessary evil of your body).

Though Samsung Galaxy Buds+ offer a top notch audio quality and come with a smart design, the ear buds fail while serving a non technical person, using them for a specific purpose (like during workouts or other outdoor activities).

Click here for buying the product online: BUDS PLUS

6 Ways To Make That Dreadful Bath A Comforting Experience For Your Dog

We all know how much dogs can hate bathing! Even though being hydrophobic may vary by breed, we have all struggled in making them comfortable, stable and stand tall while giving them a bath. It is definitely not an easy task and many times the dog-parents end up getting soaked in water and soap by all the fluttering action!

So here are some tricks that will surely help you and your dog have a memorable bathing experience.

Make Them Familiar To The Bath Space

The bath spot should be fixed and they should be made comfortable with the surroundings. Do not circle around them as it can be amusing for you but even a dog needs some privacy. Keep the bucket (avoid pipes as they waste water and make them see that streak as a threat/play thing), shampoo and towel handy and don’t leave the pet in that area for too long. The dog must associate the area as a safe and quick bathing spot.

Setting The Mood

Tie the leash and loosen up the collar while bathing them as it will make the task easy and provide them less mobility .But remember do not make the leash and collar too tight which could be suffocating for them. 

Another thing to note is while taking your dog to the bathing spot (their washroom, if you may), now don’t drag them there but make it playful like a casual walk, otherwise you will just make them aggressive and I believe I say for everyone when I say no one wants teeth marks and wounds, right?

Plan A Schedule

Depending on the breed, size and weather make a bath calendar, usually during summers it is advisable to give bath once a week and in winters once in two weeks or depending on the need (body odor, dirty paws etc). 

Making a schedule not only makes things organized for you but also makes the pet get in the habit of getting baths and you will notice that with time they will be more adjusting and calm. Avoid bathing your dog or pets in general during extreme cold or rainy seasons as they might take extra time to dry up and the moisture in the fur and air can invite some skin infections.


To invite them and to calm them down,use the technique of “positive reinforcement”. Trick them by playing fetch towards the bath area, pet them and give them treats in the middle of the bathing process, talk to them, and after you are done feed them something good, such process will make a good impact and they will look forward to the bath date; basically play with their psychology.

The Bathing Process

Be patient with water, make the dog wet, scrub their body with a good medicated shampoo (that has anti-tic, anti-fungal properties and is free from harsh chemicals); use lukewarm water during winters and always wash them from bottom to head, their head(area above the neck)should be the last area where you should use water and even while doing so be gentle. 

Look for the tics, cuts/wounds or any other infections and wash their bum-hole, genitals, paws and tail thoroughly. Do not use harsh chemicals or Dettol in their bath water, also the temperature of water should depend on the resistance and temperature.

Drying Up

This is the final and the most important step, the furry ones can take upto 10 hours to dry up and sitting on a wet bottom will only lead to infections like fungus attack; dry your dog using a towel or a dryer (dont over use it as it can be harmful and they might even develop a fear of the heat gun/dryer). Also, make sure their paws are not soaked with water as this might make them slip on the floor, leading to bone injuries, after bath always take them out of that space at a casual pace, don’t make them run while wet.

Apart from a relishing bathing experience it is also important to maintain an overall hygiene. Wash the collar, leash, jacket, towel and any other accessory they wear on a daily basis. Also, don’t forget to comb that mane after they dry up as it makes their coat super soft to touch and the shedding of extra hair makes it easy for us to keep our home hair free to an extent.

No matter what generalizations people make, always remember that every dog and its behavior is different and they should be respected while making an efficient schedule for them, further, the habits of the humans (owners) are reflected by the dogs, so make sure you give them the best environment to pawsper.

7 Things To Do For Stress and Anxiety Relief During Lockdown

The practice of quarantine or social-isolation can prove to be a cause of stress and anxiety for some. Be it a person worrying about their job, business, or career in general or feeling claustrophobic and suffocated inside the walls of their paradise; some missing their loved ones and home, and some diving in the pool of gloominess because of all the social unrest happening around them.

During these tough times, where uncertainty has become the reality and situation demanding the collective efforts of the authorities and public, we all need certain things to calm our racing horses.

Make A Routine

Quarantine doesn’t mean that we go all wild with our usual life routine, while not following that regular schedule, we should at least try and modify it with something suiting the extra time and keeping our hands full with creative and soothing activities.

stress 1

Not just make a time table but try and stick to it and if you cannot, that is fine too as the realization of not following something can also lead to stress; try and use the technique of positive reinforcement and appreciate yourself on achieving those small set targets.

Keep A Tab Of Our Breaths

Not just your calorie intake, but also the oxygen intake should be tracked. Indulge yourself in practices like Yoga (especially focusing on stress and anxiety), meditation and breathing  rhythm; stick to an affirmation and try to work around it on a regular basis, remember Happiness is a state of mind! 😀

Go Down The Road Of Nostalgia

Remember how simple life was before globalization entrapped our soul? Exactly, pick up those old hobbies (explore the inner chef, artist, painter, reader) or try those new things you always wanted to but could not because of your hectic schedule (or procrastination); blend the traditional methods of chill with modern tools like, taking an online course (skill development is not bad, provided you do it for fun and not for competition), try your hand at doodling/create a comic/start a blog or vlog, learn a new language; just go nuts with your creativity.

Learn new language: https://www.rosettastone.com/

Learn new course: https://www.coursera.org/

Virtual Detox

Not just people, but social distancing from gadgets is what we must aim for as well. Reports suggest 80% of panic is caused by what we see on virtual media; reduce your screen time and work on your me time. Remember, Netflix and chill was fun only when it has a human touch around it; cutoff yourself from those nasty Instagram goals and plastic life as they lead to negativity, agitation and a feeling of failure in your healthy state of mind.

Maybe, enjoy your time with nature either taking a walk with “your people” on the terrace or in your garden. Gardening, playing with pets, just let yourself live without thinking of the repercussions and see the difference for yourself.

Try A Beverage

Believe it or not but having comfort food during the time of unrest helps, take control of your life and stop worrying about things that are certainly out of your hands.

Sit down and relax with either a cup of coffee or tea or a treat of hot chocolate with marshmallows, cut yourself some slack and appreciate the little achievements and blessings in your life.


A lively session of one on one conversation with your friends, family, acquaintance or anyone who gets and shares the similar state of mind is the form of therapy we all need, no matter where the person is as physical space/presence should not affect the relationship and should be overcome by those phone calls, messages and emails(technology is like a blessing for long distance relationship).

Reality Bites (1984)

Being uptight is not something we should be proud of, try and relax those muscles (brain cells). Remember that quote “Maybe I will have it all with my people around.”

Distance Yourself from News!

Yes, journalism and mass communication has taken a different turn and it is not something we should be ashamed of in accepting; distance yourself from all those heated racial and religious debates, negative comments, the bad news and the disaster that the world has unfold and toxicity, instead read and think about the healing mother nature and watch wildlife shows like Wildlife Safari, or something cheerful and soothing which serves the taste of your whole clan collectively, making it a family fun time.

Try: Great news for children and wildlife enthusiasts ! During lock down, The Kruger National Park in South Africa is doing 2 safari drives a day, which you can watch _*live*_ on YouTube. Morning drive is 5.30-8.30am and afternoon drive is 3.30-6.30pm. It’s very interesting and informative, and questions pop up and are answered by the game rangers. They’ve discovered a hyena who has 3/4 day old pups which they check on each drive. It’s really lovely to watch.

Whether you follow these suggestions or not, the thing that should matter is to be calm and kind to yourself and also to people around you. Cheers!

Things Wrong With Money Heist Season 1 (Spoiler Alert!)

Impressive Opening

Just like any other popular show, Money Heist has an engaging opening, with Tokyo narrating the story in the past (which continues throughout the season), there exists a sense of suspense as to whom, when and why is she narrating the details (remember, Breaking Bad).

Gang / Clan

Teamwork and diversity is not something we are seeing for the first time, a leader hiring a bunch of criminals, hiding their identity and sending them on a mission to rob a bank (oops! “Not actually stealing their money”) sounds familiar, right, RIGHT?. The Professor hiding his own intentions, which are only revealed by the end is an example of old climax types (hello, did we not watch Ocean Series or Now You See Me).

Relationships and Character Development

Tokyo and Rio being physically engaged brings no thrill in the story, infact their not so cute “love story” is so cringy that the freshness of a young man involved with an older woman is also sidelined.

money heist 1

With each passing episode we get to know about the backstory and a glimpse of everyone’s personal life which binds them together as a family despite being so inhumane in the beginning; the turn from being stoic to emotional and developing love/casual relationship between the hostages and the group(tango of good and bad, did you not watch, Silence of the lambs) is also stale, and uninteresting.

Over Smart Leader

The professor is shown to be well prepared for everything, i mean EVERYTHING! That after a point any climax or turn of event doesn’t bring excitement but a feeling that the ball will still remain in the Professor’s court (c’mon, he sleeps with the detective, how predictable can the show get).

The romance between the Professor and the Detective was a must to keep the suicidal plot from dying, also, did we not see this love-hateful relationship between Eve Polastri and Oksana in Killing Eve.

Everything works out for the professor and his plan, even after the escape of 20 hostages and losing his brother, Helsinki doesn’t take revenge as Arturo’s character had to stay alive to annoy both the audience and kidnappers; even the revelation of the identity and the plan to Raquel’s mother was so predictable to be closed by her mother’s illness and even the car accident after Angel finds out the truth about the “apple cider” guy,makes sense and freshens up our memory of another Netflix Original, YOU, where things fall in place for a psychopath who believes that he is good at heart and is actually doing good for others( such a philanthropist,Hobbes’ theory fits just right in this case)

Series of Events

With plot twists like hostages becoming alliance, weakness of the kidnappers being brought to surface, death, digging of tunnel (Shawshank Redemption, Prison Break anyone)falling apart of the unity, trust and plan the show presents us nothing new but gets boring after 6 episode as it becomes too predictable and too less exciting to know the suspense, and yet it managed 4 seasons when shows like Tuca& Bertie were shelved after one season(with 5th in making, Netflix surely signed a big contract with its makers)


Let’s see what “not so” predictable twists the story unfolds in the seasons to come.

Bella ciao!


P.S: The only thing i liked in the first season is the song, Bella Ciao.

Why People Are Doing Yoga During Lockdown ?

In the times of social distancing and lockdown, many of us face the challenge of keeping our bodies active and in motion. With lack of proper exercise gear and no proper routine most of us have taken a laid back approach to life. Due to the uncertainty of the events, even the fitness freaks were unprepared for the lockdown consequences, and on the other side many of us saw it coming and yet ignored to acknowledge it.

The two of the most trendiest things that people are following these days are yoga and cooking, obviously along with not stepping out. Here are reasons as to why people are shifting towards practicing yoga and why you should do yoga during the lockdown! 

Requires Absolutely No Gear 

We all are looking for home workout sessions without any equipment. All you have to do is to follow the tutorial videos and do it at the comfort of your home. With absolutely no equipment required other than the yoga mat (which can be replaced by any other mat, rug, or a bed-sheet, provided  that it gives a minimum of  1/8 inch of supportive thickness).


With a lot of videos surfacing over the internet all you have to do is find the right time and a corner in your house for that fitness you desire for.


Among other forms of workout, like cardio, weight training, S&C etc., yoga falls under the category of simple and relatively effortless form of exercise, of course it holds variations like Yin Yan, Power yoga that are more intensive, but with tutorials like “beginners yoga”, “stretch yoga”, “ 10 minutes full body sunrise yoga” etc., anyone and everyone with a little bit of zeal can do it as it takes less time and the effect is commendable. Not to mention, it is comparatively less messy, doesn’t make you sweat a lot and won’t crack your floor! 


With life getting a different meaning in the age of social media, it has become really important for people to get validation of others, especially of a trend followed by not just their followers and friends but by celebrities who post their workout videos, yoga poses and talk about body positivity.

If there is one thing that can push your lazy bum on that mat, it has to be the pressure of social media and the image you want to put up to; with new challenges like #30DayMorningYoga, #10DayPostureCorrection we are prone to get involved if not exactly for our body but definitely for those extra likes and views (c’mon we all are guilty of doing that).

Body Positivity

Yoga not only gives us that stretch, but also contributes in posture correction, flexibility, strength, positive thoughts, blood circulation and good vibes; which we all require especially during these difficult times. It removes that stiffness in the body which the extensive lockdown and zero mobility with no fixed routine have landed us in. 

Sense of Accomplishment

With just 10 minutes of yoga a day we get a sense of fulfillment and feel good for the rest of the day for doing something if not everything (imagine the satisfaction derived from completing the yoga challenge), it even removes our anxiety, relieves stress, and subconsciously helps us create a routine for ourselves. Thus, enables us humans to fulfill the task of being in a civilization and not just lay and live a lethargic life. 

People Friendly

The origin is mostly associated with Orientalists, but yoga has now become popular amongst people of all age groups and across the globe. As it is simple and fun to do it is something that people in their old age mostly rely on when it comes to maintaining fitness(this can also be it’s con as youngsters find it slow and boring). 

With changing trends where people are becoming more conscious about their body type and health, yoga serves best to be practiced by people having PCOs(who are advised not to indulge in extensive hardcore workout), hypertension, high cholesterol or with some sort of injury as it less tiresome and add proven effective over the ages thus having a wide accessibility.


I’m not okay with this!

From the producers of Stranger Things and the director of The End of Fucking World, the show not only has two promising names on board but also an excellent trailer(which has pretty much the entire climax/action, seriously there is nothing left for the show ) to create the hype.

Having the popular new edge concept of superpowers, the show experiments

with the thriller genre but yet fails to leave a mark as the script is loose and makes the season finale episode predictable.

Discussing the pros first: the title is edgy, which attracts the viewers’ attention towards the show; “I’m not okay with this!” is a phrase that is used by every person in their teens, also using a phrase as the title brings out the true spirit of the cosmic consciousness of the setting in which the show is placed.

The characters are dealing with problems of their own and the heroic flaw is what makes them more realistic in the age/setting the show is put in, also death plays around the life of Sydney(the main character) and pretty much defines her personality.

The psychologists’ journal which makes for both the opening and the end scene creates the whole mood for the viewer’s expectation by completing the loop of events ; the journal even though Sydney is barely shown writing in is the medium of one-sided interaction between Sydney and the viewers, wherein she reveals her darkest secrets.

The question of dislocation that the characters feel is the most real aspect of the show; the death of the father has left the family in fragments which the members are trying to ignore (or put together)as a coping technique for the void formed.

The colonizers’ cruelty which defines the father’s past life is subtly hinted though it forms

a major part in the climax; the initial episodes build up the story of Sydney’s tragic life but if we look at the structure it lacks the Aristotle’s classic plot structure as the season ends on the climax leaving a large room for  the denouement, which is completely normal for the meta-modern shows like these but as a viewer the end was not as exciting as the trailer made it look.

The repetitive theme of high school drama with eccentric characters is something what we have seen in the recent years in movies like Lady Bird and Netflix’s originals like End of the fucking World, Sex Education, Stranger Things and many other ; the mother-daughter personality clash, strains in friendships and the truce/ happy ending with either Prom or Homecoming night balls is what  we see in Lady Bird(2017), the same sex attraction, deceit by male characters and becoming friends with a new understanding of life, is what runs in the second season of Sex Education, where Ola is attracted to Rita in the same way that Syd is to Dina(being the closest and the only loyal friend),apart from the redundant whole high school drama the show  also lags at giving proper screen time to characters like Sydney’s mother and brother as his brother shows a promising scope for plot twist,  the disoriented family with dark secrets should be left for exploration and not just with  confusion

and denial on Sydney’s part.

To conclude, the show instead of dragging the whole predictable drama through the entire season  could have worked towards building a good climax and leaving the plot

on a cliffhanger rather than boring with the slow storyline and giving less importance to Sydney’s brother (like how they killed the whole story around Eleven’s sister in the season 2 of Stranger Things) and to the unattended basement which is kind of taken from the famous anime/manga Attack on Titans; in fact the spirit should have some more existence than just being the minor plot, it is for this reason that the dripping in blood after the head explosion scene (which is totally cool btw) had no chilling effect on the viewers(and also cause it reminds us of Alyssa from The end of fucking world!)

In all the plot is so loose that even the strong acting skills and concept cannot even save the show from falling into the mediocre category.