14th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics — Turin, 15-17.6.2011 Some Features of Medieval Berber in an Ancient Manuscript (Kitâb al-Barbarîya) (Vermondo Brugnatelli- Università di Milano-Bicocca) The so-called “Mudawwana of Abû Ghânim Bi››sr b. Ghânim al-Khurâsânî” (translation/commentary : Kitâb al-Barbarîya) Author: Abû Zakarîya’ al-Ifrânî (date unknown) Glossary : Mas‘ûd b. ÓâliÍ al-Óamumni, sheikh of Djerba (16th century). 1- Phonetics: begadkefat Regular alternance of plosives and sibilants according to the principles of begadkefat (like in nowadays Djerbian language) f. 123b, l. 14 (= 290a, l. 19-20) as yellef i lÄurt-is, tenwa lÄure© “when he repudiated his wife, the wife said...” 2 -State of nouns iser “prophete”, annexed state: wiser f. 30a, l. 8 : s wi¨ammen “with blood” ; f. 40b, l. 2 : am wi¨ammen “like blood”. 3- Verbs with -t/ø ending MT “die”: f. 120a, l. 2: mman “they died” f. 46(1)b, l. 18: en unemmitu “(of) the/a dead” KSW/YSW / YST/KST f. 305a, l. 10: ttemyese©en = yatawârithûna “they bequeath to each other” f. 113b, l. 8 ; f. 388b, l. 12 : a tt-yekse© = yari©u-hâ (“he will inherit from her”) f. 388b, l. 8: wel ˆar-asen tiysawin = lâ mîrâth baynahumâ (“no inheritance between them”) f. 305a, l. 10-11: tise¨nan wel tekse©ne© mawlan “women don’t bequeath to clients” Bossoutrot amkasu, pl. imkusa “heir” (20, 21) [cp. touareg ¸kus´t WY “inherit”, t„¸kasit “inheritance”] 1 YNT yuynu© “il est arrivé, il a eu lieu” (Bossoutrot 286) || uynu© “l’apparition, la naissance d’une chose” (56) || yunnen “neuf”; “solide, fort, robuste” (274) f. 112a, l. 5 ; 121a, l. 14 ; f. 122b, l. 4 ; f. 127a, l. 2 : yunen (yunan) = ˆadîd f. 25a, l. 13 : netta Ìel d-yuynu© wuynu© i tìalli© = kharaˆa min-hu rîÍ wa huwa fî 'l-Òalât (euphémisme) ; f. 25a, l. 16 : wu¨i Ìel d-yuynu© = kharaˆa min-hu 'l-rîÍ ; [Cp. touar. inay, F. II 701 “be new” and Kabyle: amaynut “nouveau, insolite” (“yusa d lexba˜ d amaynut la nouvelle est arrivée insolite” (Si Moh. 157) aÄnu abrid aneÒli / win ur nelli d amaynut “rejoins l’antique tradition: défie-toi des chemins nouveaux” (J. Amr. 242))] ‰Y/‰T f. 323b, l. 20 : eˆˆin = ka©îr (“they are many”, 3mpl. ?) f. 299b, l. 8-9 : ewla t_teˆˆe©ay (’tˆa©y) ewla t_te¨rusay = ka©îran ’aw qalîlan [cp. Jerba egge© “many”] FYN/F‰N f. 288a, l. 9 : ˆ_ˆfuynu = fî al-riqq wa al-‘ubûdiyya ; f. 290a, l. 17 et 123b, l. 11 : ifuynu = al-‘ubûdiyya (290a, l. 17) / al-riqq (123b, l. 11) ; f. 305b, l. 6 : ˆ_ˆfuˆnu (’‰fuˆ°nu) = fî al-riqq / ‘ubûdiyya “slavery” f. 7a, l. 21 : d lÄibade© n wayt fuˆnuten = al-‘âbidîn (“pious”, pl. ann.) f. 8b, l. 6 et f. 9a, l. 14 : d afuyne© [= t‘bd’] i ta-yesfuyne© [= t‘bdh] (ta‘bîdan ta‘abbada-hu ? = it's to slavery that he was enslaved?) 4- Verb “say”/“tell” All the glosses of the forms with nw show a correspondence with Arabic perfect: f. 116b, l. 10: tenwayas = qâlat la-hu ; f. 310a, l. 12 and f. 360a, l. 2: yenwa-yas = qâl la-hu In a case of repetition in Arabic of a Berber sentence (f. 301a), we find: yenwa Abû al-Mu’arriˆ (l. 15: Berber)/ qâla Abû al-Mu’arriˆ (l. 22: Arabic) On the contrary: f. 4a, l. 6: nnan = yaqûlûna nnan iserÌinen “the Arabs say” precedes the quotation of an Arabic saying / yenwa userÌin “an Arab said” precedes the quotation of an Arabic author aorist: f. 36b l. 14: ewc-aneÌ-d w’ al’ aÌen-yemel lexÒayel n uykuzen “provide us with someone to tell us the virtues of Islam” 2 5- Syntax of numerals Galand (1967) “IA group”: lack of preposition in numerals up to ten, and counted object in the singular from eleven onwards. In one and the same page of the manuscript (42b), several different constructions are observed: Numeral + plural noun in annexed state (if applicable) - masculine numeral and noun careá wussan “3 days” (l. 2-3); uqqez wussan “4 days” (l. 3) - feminine numeral and noun uqqeze© errekÄa© “4 bowings” (l. 19); sent errekÄa© “2 bowings” (l. 13 and 14) - masculine numeral and feminine noun uqqez errekÄa© “4 bowings” (l. 10) Numeral + preposition n + noun in plural mraw en yiáan “10 nights” (l. 21-22) Numeral + preposition n + noun in singular over 10 xamsäac en yum “15 days” (l. 3: mixed vernacular Arabic and Berber) Arabic sintagms, borrowed as such : - ‘a›srîn yawman “20 days” (l. 4: numeral over 10 + noun in singular) - rak‘atâni “2 bowings” (l. 18, twice: Arabic dual) Numeral + noun in singular, without state syllable uqqez yur “four months” (l. 21). Numeral + noun in singular, without state syllable f. 21a, l. 4 : sen Ìil “two cubits” f. 133b, l. 18 sen yur “two months” f. 190(2)b, l. 14 : careá lÌem “three camels” f. 116a, l. 17 : uqqez yur “fout months” f. 52a, l. 17 : semmes ¨rim “five dirhams” f. 190(2)b, l. 15-16 : semmes lÌem “five camels” f. 323b, l. 21 : semmes menkuc “five dinars” f. 133b, l. 17 áza yur ; 98b, l. 3 : zaz yur “six months” f. 190(2)b, l. 17 : sa lÌem “seven camels” f. 50a, l. 1 : tam yur “eight months” f. 98b, l. 7 : tis yur “nine months” f. 306a, l. 22 : mraw menkuc “ten dinars” 3 plural after high numbers f. 131a, l. 13 : ifeá en wulli = ’alfu ghanam “1000 sheep” after the counted object or isolated (determined) f. 201b, l. 3 et 270a, l. 20 et 22 : n wu¨mawen-din ayará-in = al-©alâ©a f. 304a, l. 3 et 8 : tayará-in (tyráîn) = al-©alâ©a ; f. 304a, l. 12 : ayará-in (’yr°áyn) = al-©alâ©a no concord f. 54b, 22 : careá tikkal “three times” f. 315b, 4 : al careá tikkal “up to three times” f. 185a, l. 14 et 15 : semmes tmaá “five hundred” References André Basset, Le verbe berbère. 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VI-VII Verbe, Copenhague, Akademisk Forlag, 1973. Muhammad U-Madi, « Mudawwana Abi Ghanem (Al-fiqh bi-'l-amazighiya) », Silsila Dirâsât Nufûsiyya 3, s.d., 6 pp. (article en ligne, format pdf Vycichl, W. 1975: Begadkefat im Berberischen. In: J. and Th. Bynon (eds.). Hamito-Semitica. Proceedings of a colloquium held by the Historical Section of the Linguistics Association (Great Britain) at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of March 1970 (The Hague-Paris: Mouton) 315-317. 4