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Last Updated: Monday, 25 September 2006, 08:56 GMT 09:56 UK
Gibson avoids media at screening
Mel Gibson
Gibson releases Apocalypto in the UK in January
Actor Mel Gibson attended an Oklahoma screening of his latest film but refused to meet journalists, choosing to go in disguise.

The Oscar-winning director co-wrote and directed Apocalypto.

The film-maker was recently arrested for drink-driving. He also admitted making anti-Semitic remarks to a police officer during his arrest.

Gibson had originally cancelled the screenings but changed his mind and arrived wearing a mask and wig.

Reporters were kept behind partitions at the Riverwind Casino in Goldsby and Cameron University in Lawton where the films were shown.

Publicist Jhane Myers said Gibson was "deeply touched by the warm reception he has received while in Oklahoma".

The film Apocalypto has been described as an action adventure film set in the last days of the Mayan civilization in Mexico, featuring dialogue spoken in an obscure Mayan dialect.

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