Go Eco Glasgow pledges
So you want to take action for people, place and planet? Well look no further you can select one or more of the pledges below or you can create your own pledge!

It only takes a few minutes and you will add your voice and collectively we can and will make a difference for people, place and planet.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Choose one or more of the following pledges...
Or make your own pledge - I pledge to...
Do you want to receive a reminder about your pledge? If so please leave us your email address.
Please tell us about yourself
Postcode *
Year of birth ie 1992
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Please select your ethnicity
And don't forget to share on your social channels...

Here's a sample post...

I have just made @GlasgowEcoTrust #GoEcoGlasgow #EcoPledge to [enter pledge] - will you make an #EcoPledge too? #PeoplePlacePlanet #CommunityConnections4ClimateAction
Thank you for making an eco pledge!
  Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
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