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SOS Registration- Dementia: What to look for and what to do!

Thank you for your interest in the upcoming education talk, "Dementia: What to look for and what to do!", where Amy Dewitt-Smith will discuss building community, social capital, and human-centered design.

The talk will take place on May 30, 2023, from 10-11am on Zoom or in person at 604 West Moana Lane #120, Reno (OLLI). Please provide your information to register for the upcoming event. We look forward to seeing you there!
1. Please fill out the information below. All fields are required unless otherwise noted.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
4. We are happy to announce that we are able to accommodate individuals who wish to attend this session both in-person and via Zoom. Please select your preferred attendance option below. *This question is required.
I would like to attend this presentation in person.I would like to attend this presentation via Zoom
5. Are you a current SOS volunteer? *This question is required.
Would you like more information about becoming a volunteer for SOS? You can also visit for more information. If you mark "Yes", we will use the email address you provided above to contact you regarding volunteering for SOS. Thank you for your interest.