2019 ER Conference Evaluation
Please answer the questions below so we may ensure this conference meets your needs and expectations.
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Are you a student participant or teacher sponsor?
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If you are a student, what grade are you in?
 Please select which session(s) you attended during Session 1. Choose all that apply.
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 Please rate your satisfaction with session 1.  1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.
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Please select which session(s) you attended during Session 2. Choose all that apply.
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 Please rate your satisfaction with session 2.  1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.
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Please select which session you attended during Session 3.
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 Please rate your satisfaction with session 3.  1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.
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Which session was the most rewarding or enjoyable? Why?
Which session was the least rewarding or enjoyable?  Why?
Please rate your satisfaction with our keynote speakers?
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Please rate your overall satisfaction with the conference experience. 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.
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Please rate your satisfaction with the conference organization. 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.
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How beneficial was the conference to your career as an educator? 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.
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How much did you learn that you could apply to a classroom?  1 being little, 5 being a lot.
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Would you recommend this conference to others?
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If able, will you attend next year?
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Do you have any suggestions for next year?
When would be a good time of year to hold this conference?  (month and date range)
Would you like information about any of MNU's programs?  If yes, please tell us what areas interest you, and give us your name and contact information below.  
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