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Application Wizard - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

Please note: In Virginia, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) and Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) practice as a category of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license.

Please choose one of the following:

I want to start a first-time application for an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse License

I am licensed in another state and want a Virginia Advanced Practice Registered Nurse License

I want to add Authorization to Prescribe to my Advanced Practice Registered Nurse License

I want to add additional Specialties to my Advanced Practice Registered Nurse License

I am an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and want to apply for autonomous practice

I want to reinstate my Advanced Practice Registered Nurse License


You may qualify for License by Examination.

Note: Virginia participates in the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), which allows nurses living in compact states to practice in all other compact states with a single multi-state license. You can view an Implementation Map to determine if your state participates in the Compact. If your primary state of residence is a compact state, you must apply for licensure in that state.

What you need in order to apply:

  • Evidence of a current Virginia RN license OR RN license with multi-state privilege (from an NLC compact state)
  • Please review the Laws & Regulations regarding Nursing and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in the state of Virginia
  • You will need verification of professional certification for the specialty area of your educational preparation (see the Application Instructions for more information).
  • You will need to submit an official transcript from your graduate degree program in nursing designed to prepare advanced practice registered nurses (see Application Instructions for more information).
  • Please carefully review the Application Instructions.

Click the "Apply Now" button below to begin the online registration process for an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse License by Examination.

You may qualify for Licensure as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse by Endorsement.

Note: Virginia participates in the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), which allows nurses living in compact states to practice in all other compact states with a single multi-state license. You can view an Implementation Map to determine if your state participates in the Compact. If your primary state of residence is a compact state, you must apply for licensure in that state.

What you need in order to apply:

  • Evidence of a current Virginia RN license OR RN license with multi-state privilege (from an NLC compact state)
  • Verification of professional certification in the specialty area of your educational preparation issued by one of the agencies listed in 18 VAC 90-30-90 (more details in Application Instructions below).
  • Read the Application Instructions carefully

Click the button below on the right to begin the online application process for Licensure as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse by Endorsement.

If you already have an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license and you wish to add Authorization to Prescribe, you will need to contact the Board of Nursing at to request a paper application for Licensure as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse be emailed or mailed to you.  You cannot use the online application process to apply for Authorization to Prescribe. When emailing to request a paper application please include in the subject line of the email: Request paper application APRN License #(add license number).

Note: After July 1, 2020 Advanced Practice Registered Nurses licensed in the category of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are authorized to prescribe by operation of law and do not need to apply for prescriptive (Rx) authority nor will they receive a separate Rx Authority designation.

If you already have an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license and you wish to add additional specialties, you will need to contact the Board of Nursing at to request a paper application for Licensure as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse be emailed or mailed to you.  You cannot use the online nurse practitioner application process to apply for additional specialties. When emailing to request a paper application please include in the subject line of the email: Request paper application APRN License #(add license number).

Reinstatement Applications for Nurse Practitioners

This application is a PDF form that will need to be completed and sent to:

Virginia Board of Nursing
Perimeter Center
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463

Note: Virginia participates in the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC), which allows nurses living in compact states to practice in all other compact states with a single multi-state license. You can view an Implementation Map to determine if your state participates in the compact. If your primary state of residence is a compact state, you must apply for licensure in that state.)

What you need in order to apply

Effective July 1, 2024, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (except Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Certified Nurse Midwives, Clinical Nurse Specialists) with an equivalent of 3 years of full-time clinical experience may apply for full practice authority (autonomous practice).  


  • Review the law at Virginia Code § 54.1-2957 and regulations at 18 VAC 90-30-86.
  • Evidence of a license in good standing as an advanced practice registered nurse and current Virginia RN license OR RN license with multi-state privilege.
  • Current professional certification in accordance with 18 VAC 90-30-90. (See the Application Instructions for more information).
  • Complete and submit the Autonomous Practice Application with the fee for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse to:

Virginia Board of Nursing
Perimeter Center
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463

Virginia Board of Nursing
Claire Morris, RN, LNHA, Executive Director
Cynthia M. Swineford, MSN, RN, CNE, President