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[2013/04/23] SKT T1_Parting GSL Code S Ro32 Interview Translation

[Spoiler] [Interview]

This...this interview is so good. My favorite one so far. Enjoy!


[WCS-GSL] Parting "I am a full-fledged champion."

"I don't like being gauged based on a seed."


Q: You advanced from your group placing first. How do you feel?

A: It was an obvious result. I don't that that Group G was a "group of death" at all. There is not a single player in Heart of the Swarm that I will give credit to. I don't know why Life is so popular since he was only good during Wings of Liberty when Zerg was imbalanced. Now that our matchup is balanced in Heart of the Swarm, I was going to completely embarass him but he lost. He's not that great on ladder either. I didn't like that people said I had no chance against him. So I prepared even more and practiced harder.

Q: They say that you actually became weaker after coming over to Heart of the Swarm.

A: At the time, our team was on a losing streak in Proleague. When I came back from my victory in Germany, that losing streak ended. I hadn't been able to play HotS until then because I was busy focusing on Wings of Liberty. The coaches asked me if I wanted to play HotS but I declined for the sake of the team.

Q: Your first match was against Last.

A: I personally think Last was the most formidable opponent of the three. I've met him on ladder and felt he was a very solid player. I knew that if I could make it through a PvT, I would advance.

Q: You beat him 2:0 very quickly and went on to the winner's match.

A: Last has a very greedy style. I don't think it's a very good style. I knew how he would play and prepared solely Blink Stalker builds.

Q: You must have hoped that Life would come with you to the winner's match.

A: To be honest, Life was the easiest opponent. Like I said before, I wouldn't lose to him during Wings of Liberty either. I had a ceremony all ready to use on him but unfortunately he didn't make it. It's a shame, really. I wasn't too excited for him anyway.

Q: You don't have a good history in the GSL. What is your goal this season?

A: My goal is to eliminate all the esF players. I'm sure I'll eventually get to the finals by doing so.

Q: You are able to participate in the group selection.

A: I plan on picking high profile esF players. If I have the opportunity to choose, I will definitely pick a player from StarTale.

Q: Only 3 Protoss' have advanced to the round of 16.

A: The current balance is not very good. I'm not the type to whine about balance but Terran is just ridiculous. I could beat everyone with Terran. I have no idea why the Medivac hasn't been nerfed yet.

Q: The WCS format has changed.

A: I have done well in any tournament starting with a W. WCS or WCG, I've done well in all of them. I want to become the WCS champion. It would be nice to get a seed, but I don't want people evaluating me based on that seed. I don't mind climbing my way up. Koreans are my only obstacle.

Q: Any last words?

A: I want to thank my teammates who helped me prepare even during their free time. I hope no one will underestimate me. I haven't done too well in broadcasts, but using today as a footstool I will continue to show good results. Please don't judge me based on one match. I too am a full-fledged champion.

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The Parting-Life rivalry is so epic. The trash talk is hilarious.


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Best. Group. Ever.

u/enginerrd avatar

My body is not yet ready....

u/RJLRaymond avatar

All the best rivalries include Life.

Life vs Flash

Life vs Parting

Life vs Leenock

He has an ultimate rival in all three races!

I prefer the MKP rivalries


MKP vs parting


u/RJLRaymond avatar

Yeah those were lots of fun. But the Life ones have really taken off since HotS came out. Those few MLG finals between MKP and DRG will always stand out to me though.

Honestly, to me it doesn't even feel like a rivalry because life wins pretty much every time vs all 3 of those players

u/RJLRaymond avatar

It's been close, though. What boggles my mind about Life's play is that being a kid and (presumably) in school he can't practice nearly as much as Flash or Parting (Leenock I guess is in the same bag). What does Life play like when he settles into a dedicated training environment?

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u/Oelingz avatar

BOOM! is the best way to describe this interview. Thanks for the translation :)

u/Iouboutin avatar

and the best way to describe the boston marathon

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u/Kimi2108 avatar

Trash talking Life. Will pick Startale players. Wants to eliminate all eSF players.

I wonder what went on between Parting and Startale when they parted ways, since he now has a thing for Life, Startale and eSF in general.

u/DidYuhim avatar

I think Parting got trolled.

Gotta eleminate all eSF players => only one eSF player in group.

The only one he was able to pick and determine was debatedly the best eSF play out there.


How do you mean he got trolled? He only had one pick. And he also said he wanted to play against high profile players, and can't get any more high profile than Flash and Innovation in your group.

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u/ghostfacechilla avatar

I used to be a HUGE fan of PartinG and still am in some ways, however after reading this interview I feel more so than before that he has betrayed ESF. I always looked at him as a defender of ESF during those good old Startale days but now look at what he's become. Also I find the trash talking interesting but he really is discounting Life if he really believes what he says.

u/TheSpooneh avatar

He's trying to kick up a storyline. If he starts winning with it, it'll be good attention.

The spotlight is on him, and if he succeeds he'll start getting nicknames like "Kespa killer" or "ESF assassin".

Drama + attention + skill to back it up = fame + money for both him and his team.


He's certainly stirring the pot. Whether it's planned behavior or just something that suits his personality is kind of a moot point. It's a good story line to differentiate yourself from all of the other Koreans.

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u/Oelingz avatar

He obviously does not, all of this is just friendly banter from Parting. He's always been a mini MC.

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u/SlightlyFavored avatar

Is his "victory in germany" ro8 in iem? ...

u/LiquidLogiK avatar


A: The current balance is not very good. I'm not the type to whine about balance but Terran is just ridiculous. I could beat everyone with Terran. I have no idea why the Medivac hasn't been nerfed yet.


A: I predicted that many Zergs would make it. However, they will dwindle now. Everyone who has made it to the round of 16 is very good, but the other races still seem a bit better. Though they don't do well in broadcasts, Protoss is too strong.

Now to find a Terran player who thinks Zerg is ridiculous lol.

u/laxcrit19 avatar

It is funny to complain about the terran balance, then look at the breakdown of the next round and see how few terrans there are. The only thing that I see as a downside to the medivac boost is that it forces all terrans at the moment to play bio because of the maneuverability. Terran still needs a new late game unit to tech to rather then sending medivacs boosting all over the place and praying that you do damage.


What? Are you kidding? The racial breakdown of the next round is 3 Toss, 7 Zerg, and 6 TERRAN. "see how few terrans there are"? Only 6? You clearly think that Terran should have at least 8-10 players in the Ro. of 16 if 6 is too few for you.

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u/rescawen avatar

im starting to feel parting is anakin, esf is light side and kespa dark side. Boxer ofc is emperor :DDDD

u/odaal avatar

I'm all up for being cocky and good at the game, but come on..

I could beat everyone with Terran.


It is important to remember you are reading text, and that these are translations. So a lot of information can be lost in that process.


Now, now. The last time someone said this, he was called out, he switched races to Terran, and got to the GSL round of 4 the very next season. These guys are good at the game, not their specific race. Generally, they choose races based on personal preferences and stylistic choices. I won't doubt any top pro who considers himself good at all three races. Even if it's one with a big mouth like Parting. Imbalances ignored, he probably could beat most pros with Terran because frankly, there aren't many on his level. And frankly, his strengths suit Terran very well.

Edit: Don't forget a lot of these guys practice with all three races to improve their game sense/knowledge, even if a good 98% of the time is with their main race. We've seen Mvp play at GM level with all three races, Gumiho used to random in GSL in the first couple seasons, etc. I think it's rare that a pro player would actually have a major drop off with a race switch after a short transition period.


That sounds amazing, who was that?





ByuN qualified for the first two open seasons of the GOMTV Global Starcraft II League. Playing as Protoss, he was knocked out in the Round of 32 and 64 by Ensnare and Loner respectively. Although unable to qualify for Season 3 during his race switch from Protoss to Terran, his previous qualifications were enough to make the first A-Class tournament of 2011.

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well he probably knows better than u

u/FrozenProbe avatar

no, he's a cocky terran.. they think that their race is soooo hard to play, when in HotS is a joke

Must be the reason for the higher P winrate and Z tournament wins.

u/Kharnalos avatar

You guys know Parting isn't even a terran player right?

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u/FrozenProbe avatar

everyone does, I play terran in NA and I own top 25 masters (only TvT is a problem, fucking hellbat drops)

u/Teoodorh avatar

And I beat all the twelve year olds at soccer, but I don't play soccer.

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It would be nice to get a seed, but I don't want people evaluating me based on that seed.

Wait, what? What seed?

u/Mikelius avatar

He was put at the head of group B because of his gsl points, that's why he could choose his opponent.

But he's talking about it in the context of WCS.

I don't mind climbing my way up. Koreans are my only obstacle.

I think he's confused about the format, unless there's going to be seeding for the Global Finals that we don't know about.


Someone being confused about the WCS format? I can't even believe that would be a thing!!

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Added to his TL Fanclub, thanks a lot.


Ah PartinG You always treat me so well. First with your incredible storm usage and now with your interviews.

u/Minecraftfan avatar

Epic, can't wait till ro16. PartinG is the only eSF player that i'm rooting for, mainly because if he beats Life, Flash can come out of the group without the need to face his nemesis.

u/mynsc avatar

He's not an eSF player anymore though, since he's now playing for SK Telecom T1, a team that's under KeSPAs jurisdiction.

u/Minecraftfan avatar

yeah, but for me as KeSPA fanboy he is still alien, because he was playing this game way before kespa pros started

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"A: The current balance is not very good. I'm not the type to whine about balance"

LIAR! You, Parting, is basically an IdrA/Gowser Hybrid, With IdrA's rage and Gowsers idiocy.