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Sutherland Welles Fiasco

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Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98
Has anyone out there had experience with Sutherland Welles finishes? I
recently finished a pine chest with their tung oil stain and was very
disappointed. I was told where I bought the stain to seal the pine with
their wiping sealer to even out the blotchiness. This did nothing but cause
the mahogany stain to turn a pinkish color when wiped off, since very little
was penetrating the wood. After speaking to their founder, I was told to
dry-brush on the stain to get the desired hue. This seemed to work for the
first coat, but coats 2 and 3 were disasters, with stain dripping off the
chest by next morning, by which time it was too late to correct. We've been
having dry weather too, so it's not that. Needless to say, the chest is
ruined-can anyone suggest a cure, or even a totally new finish to cover this
mess? (Oh yeah, their customer service is non-existant...)

Paul T. Radovanic

Sep 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/26/98
Ouch! At Sutherland Welles' prices, that sounds like a very expensive
experiment. Next time you'll practice on scrap first, won't you? ;o)

Dry brushing is a last-resort tehnique, because it's similar to
painting -- it really covers up the grain.

At this point, it seems the only option for the chest is to strip &
scrape/sand, and start over. Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger.

To get a dark color on pine, Clearwater Color Co.'s gel water-based
dyes and/or dark shellac have worked best for me. The gel dye won't
blotch, so there's no need to pre-treat with conditioner.

If you prefer an oil-based pigment stain, then a "conditioner" of one
part linseed oil to eight parts mineral spirits will prevent
blotching. It's thin enough that it won't prevent stain-absorption
the way that shellac or the SW wiping sealer would, but it will
prevent blotching.

I would recommend that you finish some scrap exactly the same way that
you have finished the chest, then strip & scrape/sand, then experiment
with some new stains before proceeding.

If you don't experiment on scrap, you will experiment on your

Paul Rad

Andrew Barss

Sep 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/26/98
I used their tung oil stain once a few years ago, and it went fine -- it
was used on some cherry though (and before you all yell at me, it was to
deal with a strip of white sapwood in the middle of a tabletop).

I've recently used a new product of theirs, Murdoch Oil, which I was very
dissapointed in. I got it right after it hit the market, do maybe it was
in the beta stage, but I found it
extremely soft (not what I was expecting from something called "Hard
Oil") and very tricky to use. At over $20 a quart, not my nicest
finishing experiment.

I've gone back to behlen's products, which I've never been
dissappointed in, for my varnish needs.

-- Andrew Barss

ommadawn <> wrote:
: Has anyone out there had experience with Sutherland Welles finishes? I
: recently finished a pine chest with their tung oil stain and was very
: disappointed. I was told where I bought the stain to seal the pine with
: their wiping sealer to even out the blotchiness. This did nothing but cause
: the mahogany stain to turn a pinkish color when wiped off, since very little
: was penetrating the wood. After speaking to their founder, I was told to
: dry-brush on the stain to get the desired hue. This seemed to work for the
: first coat, but coats 2 and 3 were disasters, with stain dripping off the
: chest by next morning, by which time it was too late to correct. We've been
: having dry weather too, so it's not that. Needless to say, the chest is
: ruined-can anyone suggest a cure, or even a totally new finish to cover this
: mess? (Oh yeah, their customer service is non-existant...)

Andrew Barss
Department of Linguistics, University of Arizona
Communications 314A, 621-2201 & 621-6897

Sep 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/28/98

> >Has anyone out there had experience with Sutherland Welles finishes? I
> >recently finished a pine chest with their tung oil stain and was very
> >disappointed.

> >Has anyone out there had experience with Sutherland Welles finishes? I
> >recently finished a pine chest with their tung oil stain and was very
> >disappointed. I was told where I bought the stain to seal the pine with
> >their wiping sealer to even out the blotchiness.

Hmmm.. I use and really like thier new "Murdock's Hard Oil" finish.
really great stuff, IMO.
I have not ever tried any of thier other products, but that won't keep me frm
speculating as to what the problems were....

>I was told where I bought the stain to seal the pine with
>their wiping sealer to even out the blotchiness.

>This did nothing but cause the mahogany stain to turn a pinkish color
> when wiped off, since very little was penetrating the wood.

You say it was Pine, and you were stianing it to look like mahogany.....

well not to sound flippant, but... maybee you should use mahogany.
Staining pine to look like anything but well, stained pine, is an exercize in
futility IMO

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