Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) butterfly

Accessory dwelling units — also called ADUs, secondary units, or granny flats — are small living units, including a kitchen and bathroom, on properties zoned residential with a single-family home, duplex home, or multifamily building in place.

New legislation for ADU's goes into effect in January 2023: AB 2221 and AB 2011. In order to keep up with State law, the City updated ADU guidance that can be found here

There are many benefits to ADUs, including:

  • Creation of more affordable housing for our community and families;
  • Provide an income opportunity for homeowners;
  • Promote infill development; and
  • Encourage the use of public transportation.
Cal HFAAccessory Dwelling Unit Grant Program-  The objective of the ADU Grant Program is to create more housing units in California by providing a grant to reimburse homeowners for pre-development costs associated with the construction of the ADU.  Are you eligible? Click Here
Workshops (upcoming and past recordings)

Congratulations on making the decision to build an ADU!

STEP # 1:

The ADU Ordinance includes standards that ADUs must meet. Reviewing the ordinance will help to avoid altering your design after you already created plans or began construction. It will help you learn if your project requires any special permits or clearances and plan for related expenses.

Homeowners, designers, and construction professionals should all understand how the items covered in the ordinance will affect the ADU design.

Need help reviewing the ordinance? The City offers a free consultation with a City planner. The planner will help you understand what your ADU plans should address in order to comply with the Zoning Code. For this consultation, please be prepared with:

  • ADU Ordinance
  • A rough site plan (may be hand-drawn) that shows:  a) Lot boundaries and dimensions  b) Location of the primary dwelling unit  c) Location of the proposed ADU
  • Tree Removal. Will constructing an ADU require removal of an ordinance-size tree? If yes, please see the City's rules for removing trees.

STEP # 2:

When your ADU concept addresses all of the items in the ordinance you're ready to prepare your construction plans.

Plans involve technical codes and homeowners are advised to hire an experienced professional to draw the plans. Working with an experienced professional will save you time and money in the long run, because the City will NOT process inaccurate or incomplete plans. Instead, you will be asked to come back with revised plans that contain the required information.

Consult with the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to ensure your property has adequate potable water to serve the ADU. If additional water is needed, please see the City’s Entitlement Water Sale process. 

STEP #3:

You or your designer/builder can submit the plans. For more information, see the Building Division webpage.

STEP #4:

Once your plans are approved and you have the building permit, construction can begin. Your contractor will schedule appointments at the appropriate junctures for inspections.

Once construction is complete and the final building inspection is approved, your ADU is ready for moving in!

stay informed

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