Division 13 Conclave Sign-Up
What's poppin' Division 13!

     It's finally time to elect our 2021-22 Lieutenant Governors with all of Division 13 at Conclave! Come hear our candidate's speeches, answers to YOUR caucus questions, and (most importantly) see who will be your NEXT Lt. Governor! Here is the event information

     Date: Saturday, January 30th
     Time: 12:00 - 2:00 PM
     Zoom Info: Will be sent out prior to the event

     RSVP will close on January 29th on 6:00 PM PST

     As always, please contact your club president or respective Lieutenant Governor if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We look forward to seeing all of you there to witness the next step of all of our division's history.

Your 2020-2021 Division 13 Lieutenant Governors
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Who can sign-up?
Any member is welcome to sign up and attend for our Conclave. However, you MUST be a dues-paid member of your club for the 2020-2021 term in order to register as one of your club's two VOTING delegates. Please check-in with your club prior to registering to make sure that you can register as such.
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