Distinguished Ministers, Ambassadors and delegates,. On behalf of the Republic of Poland I am pleased to congratulate and express our gratitude to the ITU's ...
Distinguished ministers, ambassadors, delegates, Ladies and gentlemen. Romania aligns its self with the statement delivered by France on behalf of the.
Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, distinguished Ministers, Ambassadors, Regional Directors, Assistant Director-Generals, ...
Jul 21, 2016 · MR MCGURK: Distinguished ministers, ambassadors, coalition partners, once again I want to welcome you to the State Department. I want to ...
Jul 2, 2008 · Mr. President, Distinguished Ministers, Ambassadors, Excellencies,. First, I would like to congratulate the President of the Economic and Social ...
Apr 16, 2024 · AMBASSADOR SMITH: Distinguished guests, ministers, ambassadors, Secretary Blinken, Mr. Secretary General, it is such a pleasure and an honor ...
Sep 22, 2011 · Distinguished Ministers, Ambassadors,. Let me start by expressing my satisfaction at seeing Your Excellency preside over the Security Council ...
[...] Executive Board, distinguished Ministers, Delegates, Observers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me [...] great pleasure to welcome. [ ...
Jan 30, 2024 · ... distinguished ministers and ambassadors, as well as representatives from ICESCO Member States and delegations from regional and ...
Distinguished Mister Secretary General, distinguished Ministers, Ambassadors and. Delegates. I would like to thank the Government of Peru for hosting this ...