Social-Emotional Learning:

365 Digital Toolbox

Teacher Edition

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (CASEL).

Click HERE for more information on the SEL competencies.

This calendar highlights a video or lesson each day that can be used or reflected on during a bell ringer or full lesson. While we celebrate African-American contributions to culture and society during the month, there are enough resources for February and beyond and we encourage you to utilize the resources all year round!! --Created by Wali Crowder

"There is POWER in turning on a SONG." - Zyahna T. Bryant

Welcome to the SEL 365 Digital Toolbox- Teacher Edition! Here you will find the tools to use and implement within your school and in the classroom. The tools here are age appropriate and culturally relevant for the high school student and teacher relationships. During this time of a world-wide pandemic and racial tension, we hope each of you are taking care of yourselves and seeking help when needed. We want to make sure you have tools and resources to help you through this unprecedented time. We know there are many barriers that can be happening right now in your lives and our goal is to help break as many of them as we can to support your educational, instructional, social & emotional and student behavioral needs. We are here to support each and everyone of you with classroom and virtual tools. Let's get through this together :)