Beer, silly costumes, and running: Tap ‘n’ Run comes to Jacksonville

01 Apr

tap n run Finish lineThe Riverside area of Jacksonville has had a long and storied history. It was one of Jacksonville’s original suburbs, it was home to numerous characters both notable and notorious, and, in more recent years, it has become the center of the Jacksonville beer renaissance. The area boasts one of the highest concentrations of beer-centric businesses in the entire city and is the location a six-block stretch of King Street known as the King Street Beer District. Thirsty beer-aficionados can also belly up to the bar in Five Points at such establishments as The Derby, O’Brother’s, and Black Sheep.

But, Jacksonville has never seen the likes of the beer event that will be taking place on April 13, at 2:00 p.m. That is when the streets will be filled with hundreds of beer drinkers running for the love of beer. Some will be running for the beer, some will be running to show off their wild side, and some will be running – well, no one is really sure why some folks run in this event.

Outrageous costumes, beer chugging and foot racing will reign supreme as the Tap ‘N’ Run 4K makes its inaugural tap in Jacksonville. Tap ‘N’ Run 4K combines participants’ love of beer and running for a unique “one of a kind” run/walk race totaling 2.4 miles throughout Riverside/Avondale. Participants are encouraged to dress in costumes and run with teams, friends and family of legal drinking age. A portion of the proceeds will benefit local charity Girls Gone Green fronted by local meteorologist Julie Watkins of Action News Jax on channels 47 and 30. The Girls Gone Green as a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to making a positive difference in animal treatment, an exploited planet and unhealthy eating habits.

Operated by Louisville, KY-based JAM Active, Tap ‘N’ Run encourages participants to run, jog, walk, hop, skip or crawl to three different “chug stations” along the course. The “chug stations” will have participants chugging a four-ounce sample of beer before continuing along the race route. At the finish line, participants will receive a full beer and the chance to win one of many awards (including Best Mustache, Best Belcher, Most Original Team Concept, Hot Mess, among others) at the After Party.

“This will mark Tap ‘N’ Run’s first time in Jacksonville, and so far, the response has been strong,” said Matt Roberts, JAM Active Executive Director. “The allure of the event, some say, is the uniqueness of being able to drink mid-run. Other races have beer at the end, but Tap ‘N’ Run provides it right along the race route. It’s a ridiculously good time with friends, family, costumes, teams and of course, beer.”

The run will begin at O’Brother’s Pub at 1521 Margaret Street near Five Points and continue north on Margaret to Gilmore where it will take a left turn. From there runners will head to Acosta where they will again turn left. Another left on Haldumar Terrace and a quick right on to Barrs. From there it is a four block jaunt to Hershel. A left on Hershel puts runner into the finish stretch and a cold beer into sight. At the end of the run, participants will again gather at O’Brother’s for an after party replete with prizes and more beer.

The organizers of the event have provided a discount code for readers of this blog. When you register and checkout use the code “FRIENDOFBEER” and you will receive $5 off your registration fee. You can register for the run at

Dress in your craziest outfit, strap on your running shoes and prepare for a jog around one of Jacksonville’s most beautiful neighborhoods. Tap ‘n’ Run brings together two activities that seem to be mutually exclusive – running and beer drinking. But, it also promises to be more fun than, well just running or just drinking beer.

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Posted by on April 1, 2013 in Beer, Events


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