'There should be no drudgery in the house' - that was Good Housekeeping’s stated mission nearly 100 years ago and we still believe that to be true today!

Every year, the GHI experts test countless cleaning products and gadgets, sorting the brilliant tips from the internet myths to help you get the housework done quicker!

Here’s the latest round-up of some of our favourite cleaning hacks to save you time and effort.

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Let's start with the basics

Disinfect the cloths and sponges you use every day to keep them germ free. Clean them first in hot soapy water, wring them out, then soak in a disinfectant such as Milton Sterilising Fluid for 15 minutes (or soak in freshly boiled water). Wring out again and allow to dry thoroughly. Some cloths and sponges can be machine washed but you’ll need to be able to use a hot cycle to disinfect them properly (check the care instructions for the maximum temperature they can be washed at).

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Pep up the power

Here's what to do if your vacuum cleaner has lost its suction: undo the hose and check the entrance to the dust cylinder or dust bag for blocked debris, replace the bag/filters or wash the dirt container (and filters, if washable) and dry thoroughly. Cut hairs and threads from the brush head (never pull), taking care not to damage the bristles. Tease out blockages in the tube, then it’s ready to go!

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For chemical-free oven cleaning

For a deep clean, pre-heat your oven to 200 degree C, fill an oven-safe bowl with water, place inside with the door closed and leave for 45 minutes. Allow your oven to cool and wipe away the loosened dirt with a clean cloth.

Shelves can be cleaned by dissolving 250g of soda crystals in hot water, soaking the shelves and scrubbing them with a kitchen foil ball.

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Get a top mop!

For great results, we rate the Spontex Full Action System Spin Mop and Bucket (88/100; £35, Amazon) comes with a bucket that has a built-in spin system designed to wring out water more efficiently.

TOP TIP: Use warm water to mop hard floors, as it loosens grime more effectively than cold water, but note that very hot or boiling water can damage flooring.

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Remove finger marks from stainless steel

Whether it’s the sink, a splashback or the kettle, finger marks are annoying and don’t always disappear with a wipe. Put a dab of baby oil or rinse aid on a clean cloth and rub the whole surface to see them vanish.

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How to tackle murky vases

For cloudy glass, try swishing round a handful of uncooked rice in warm water – this will scour the grime off. Then pop a dishwasher table or biological detergent in the vase and fill with hot water. Leave overnight to work its magic. Rinse and shine!

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The beauty of bicarb

Bicarbonate of soda is a cleaning superstar, thanks to its gentle abrasive nature and the fact it's a great natural deodoriser. Use it to:

  • Get tannin stains off teaspoons and the inside of cups by rubbing with a paste made up of bicarb and a little water. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Absorb food odours by keeping a ramekin with powder bicarb on top of the salad drawer to keep the fridge fresh.
  • Clean countertops, stainless steel sinks, microwaves, and cooking utensils. Simply mix into a paste with a little water and scrub.
  • Deodorise carpets, upholstered furniture and even pet beds. Sprinkle it on, leave for 15 mins and then vacuum up thoroughly.
  • If the odour in your gym clothes won’t budge, try soaking the offending garment for thirty minutes in a sink filled with cool water and five to six tbsp of bicarbonate of soda. Wash again, and dry naturally.
  • To bring back the shine to sterling silver, make up a paste (three parts bicarb to one part water) and apply with a lint-free cloth (not a paper towel, which can scratch), then rinse.
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Focus on dust traps

Use your vacuum cleaner’s crevice attachment or a telescopic long-handled duster to clean into that annoying inch between your fridge and the countertop. Dislodge dust from the abyss inside radiators using the flexible Microfibre Radiator Brush, then vacuum it up.

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    For a gleaming fridge

    Don’t forget you can put the shelves and salad drawers in the dishwasher to get them really clean. Use a toothpick to remove food residue that has collected in the join between the surface of the shelf and the surround. And make sure the drainage hole at the back is gunk- free using a cotton bud.

    Lining the salad drawers with kitchen towel will also make it easier to remove veggie debris in between cleans.

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    We have the technology

    Shared tech such as the TV remote, computer keyboards and games console controllers can be microbe-magnets. Use a damp microfibre cloth to clear grime and dust, then a clean cloth spritzed with a disinfectant solution to tackle germs and viruses.

    For those hard-to-reach spaces on your keyboard, turn the whole thing upside down and tap gently. Tease out stubborn dirt with a sticky note folded in two (sticky side out). Always wash your hands regularly if you are sharing the workstation.

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    Tackle grimy grout

    Make a paste of bicarb and water and work it into the grout between your tiles using an old toothbrush. Then, fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it over the bicarb mix. It should start bubbling up into a thick mixture that is perfect for tackling grout. Use the brush to scrub away the grime or if you have an old head for your electric toothbrush, try that – it will save you elbow-grease! Rinse tiles well with water afterwards.

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      Wage war on limescale

      It’s surprising how grimy showerheads can get. Every six to eight months, pour a solution of distilled white vinegar into a plastic bag and fasten it over the showerhead using an elastic band so the holes are immersed in the liquid. After an hour, remove the bag and run the shower on hot to flush the showerhead through. For a build-up of limescale on taps, wrap a cloth soaked in vinegar solution around the tap and leave overnight. Use an old toothbrush soaked in the solution to work away any remaining residue. Don't use vinegar on plated taps, particularly gold ones, because the acid can damage the finish.

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      Breakfast in bed

      Like any spill, when you're dealing with spillages on bedding, time is of the essence - especially when dealing with a mattress. Stand the mattress up and sponge the stained area with cold water, but don’t over-wet. Blot with a dry cloth, then spot-treat the area with a stain remover designed for use on carpet or upholstery. Rinse with fresh, cold water, then blot dry. If there’s likely to be a lingering odour, add a few drops of disinfectant to the water you use to rinse the stain.

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      Keep your cutting boards hygienic

      Remove food stains on plastic chopping boards by rubbing with lemon juice and leaving overnight. Rinse thoroughly and dry. If the board is dishwasher-safe, wash on a 65 degree C cycle to get rid of germs and bacteria.

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      Give your washing machine a spa day

      Run a service wash once a month on a hot wash (60 degree C or higher) with no clothes or detergent in the machine to rid it of mould and bacteria. Every three to six months, use a proprietary washing machine cleaner - we're fans of Dr Beckmann Service-it Deep Clean.

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      Avoid whiffy wheelie bins

      Pressure wash your wheelie bin or use the hose and some Jeyes Fluid then turn it upside down to drain and dry. To stop waste getting stuck to the bottom of the bin, use a wheelie bin liner or line it with newspaper, which will also absorb moisture. Keep bins out of direct sunlight to slow down decomposition and reduce the likelihood of maggots.

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      Keep dirt out of the house

      You will cut down on mud, debris and dust coming in if you have a good dirt-trapping doormat. Remember to thwack the dust out of if outside and vacuum it weekly. Many doormats these days are machine washable but check with your machine manufacturer first as some mats are heavy when wet.

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      Remember to do this when using bleach...

      Are you making this common error when you use bleach? Always use cold water with it as hot water can render the active ingredients in bleach ineffective, making it totally useless.

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      Microfibre cloths are a must-have

      Microfibre cloths are great for removing grease, grime and smudges without chemicals. Just dampen with water and bung the cloth in the wash afterwards. We rate e-cloths, which come in a range of colours so you can colour code your cloths by room or task to avoid cross-contamination.

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      Mix up a DIY kettle descaler

        For a cheap, hassle-free way to remove limescale, fill the kettle with a mixture of half distilled white vinegar and half water, and leave to soak overnight. (Make sure the kettle is unplugged and leave a note on it, so nobody uses it accidentally!). In the morning, empty and rinse the kettle thoroughly, then boil up a fresh kettle-full of water and discard to avoid a vinegary tang to your cuppa.

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        New use for old socks

        For a quick and efficient way to clean grime from venetian blinds, put a slightly damp sock over your hand and run it between the slats, then pop the sock straight into the washing machine. A clean damp sock is also a hassle-free to wipe skirting boards and picture frames.

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        How to get your windows sparkling

        Number one rule: don’t clean them on a very sunny day, the heat will make the glass dry too quickly and cause smears, undoing all your hard work.

        Spray on a solution of one part distilled white vinegar to nine parts water and wipe round with a lint-free cloth, then a chamois leather or glass polishing microfibre cloth to buff them to a brilliant shine.

        A window vacuum, such as the Karcher WV2 will also make quick work of cleaning if you have big expanses of glass, such as a conservatory.

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        How to clean a beauty blender

        First, rinse your sponge under the tap, apply a little antibacterial hand wash, baby shampoo or a specialist sponge cleaner and lather it up so that you can see the foundation washing out. Make sure that the soap works its way into the beauty blender. Ensure you press and massage the sponge in order to build up a proper lather. Rinse well and dry before using again.

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        Cleaning airpods

        Use a clean, soft bristled toothbrush to gently remove any debris stuck in the speaker mesh. Never prod them with sharp objects or get them wet. If there is any dirt inside the charging ports, use a cotton bud to clean, or a squirt of spray compressed air if you have a can. If your earbuds have silicon ear-tips, use a microfibre cloth dipped in warm, soapy water then thoroughly wrung out, or a cotton bud to clean them. Leave them to dry out completely before putting them back on.

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        Remove sticky labels

        If you’ve tried to get a label off and there’s a sticky mess left behind that won’t budge, use a little baby oil to ease things along.

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        Take your time

        When cleaning the bathroom, you’ll get a better result if you leave your cleaner to work before instantly rinsing it away! So, spray the tiles, tub and basin, do another job for 10 minutes, then rinse off and wipe dry. Trust us, it makes a difference!

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        Soda crystals – what’s not to love?

        Soda crystals cost as little as £2 for 1kg and are great for cleaning and deodorising the washing machine, removing burnt-on residue from pans, keeping sinks and drains fresh and blockage free and removing moss and algae from patios. And that’s not an exhaustive list! To keep plugholes and drains running freely, pour in half a cup of soda crystals followed by boiling water. Remember to wear gloves, as soda crystals can irritate the skin.

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        Keeping the oven clean

        The longer you wait to clean your oven, the more baked on the debris will get, so the trick is to keep it clean as you go along. Line the bottom shelf with a Magic Non-Stick Oven Liner or a dishwasher-safe baking tray. After each use, remove the liner/tray and pop in the dishwasher to avoid spills and splashes baking on. Use oven bags to keep splatters from roasting meat, fish or veg at bay. Use the dishwasher to clean oven shelves regularly.

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        Spruce up your hair straighteners

        Use nail varnish remover to clear the product gunk that builds up on hair straighteners. Then wipe down the plates with a damp cloth. Just make sure the straighteners are cool and unplugged first!

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        Deep cleaning made easy

        Regular vacuum cleaners are great for everyday grime and steam cleaners perfect for a refresh. But if you really want to eliminate tough stains or get rid of persistent smells, our experts recommend that you deep clean all your carpets once a year (if you have allergies or pets, every six months). This is our current top scorer: Vax Platinum SmartWash. It comes with some useful accessories and scored a near-perfect 99/100 in our tests.

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        Cleaning essentials our experts would buy
        Ariel Washing Powder Original 40 Wash
        Ariel Washing Powder Original 40 Wash
        £7 at Ocado
        Dettol Power & Pure Bathroom Cleaning Spray
        Dettol Power & Pure Bathroom Cleaning Spray
        Cillit Bang Limescale & Grime Spray
        Cillit Bang Limescale & Grime Spray

        Headshot of Caroline Bloor
        Caroline Bloor
        Freelance Personal Finance Writer

        Freelance personal finance writer, and former consumer affairs director for Good Housekeeping, Red, Prima and Financially Fabulous. Writing next year's best seller!  

        Headshot of Verity Mann
        Verity Mann is the Head of Testing at the Good Housekeeping Institute, where she oversees operations and strategy across all the review categories. Verity holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Food and Consumer Management and started at the GHI as a placement student. During her 10 years at Good Housekeeping, she has tested a whole host of gadgets and gizmos, be it new and innovative products or household staples, to ensure consumers have that ‘arm around their shoulder’ when making a purchasing decision.