Reel Desires: Chennai International Queer Film Festival 2016
Reel Desires 2016 comes in the wake of the Indian Supreme Court's Feb 2, 2016, decision to refer the curative petitions on Section 377  to a five-judge constitutional bench. While offering us hope that the unconstitutional nature of Sec 377 and the grave miscarriage of justice that was the Koushal decision of 2013 may finally be addressed, this development reminds us not to place our lives and hopes on hold waiting for legal sanction. The struggle for social justice must go on, while we wait for the hearing of the curatives and for the passage of a transgender rights bill that sets out a blueprint for implementation of the NALSA (2014) verdict on transgender rights.

While queer and trans* collectives examine our legal and political options to assert our rights, we also seek our place in this world through participating in and producing cultures that reflect both the universality and specificity of our experiences.  We invite films that augment and enrich these cultures. In addition, we are particularly interested in the films, shorts and documentaries on the following sub-themes:
a. Queerness and Sex Work - films that challenge the normative idea of sex work as 'bad' and counter attempts to sanitise LGBTIQ issues and communities by distancing ourselves from sex work. We would like to consider films that look at lesbian and bi women who sell sex, those that address the conflation of sex work with trafficking, explore fluidity among straight-identified men who are 'gay for pay', and other diverse intersections of gender, sexuality and sex work.
b. Crossing borders in relationships - films that explore cross-cultural relationships and their inherent complexities of power/privilege are invited. Culture is defined broadly here, and could include relationships between trans* (or transitioning) and non-trans people, between queer/trans people with disabilities and those without, mixed-orientation (gay-bisexual, lesbian-bisexual) relationships, and/or involving individuals of different social categories.
Besides these, we are also interested in films that examine sexual and gender fluidity,  and films from under-represented parts of India (the North East, non-metros) and other countries in the South Asian region (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Afghanistan).

Reel Desires: Chennai International Queer Film Festival is brought to you by Orinam along with partner groups and collectives. See or email for more information.
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Have you submitted this film to any other film festival in Chennai for screening in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 or before July 2016? *
(Reel Desires would like to do its part to reduce duplication among local film fests, to maximize the number of films audiences get to watch. Your response will not affect the review process, but may determine the final selection.)
Your Name *
Preferred Name (If you want to use a different name for privacy reasons)
Contact Email *
Your contact information (Address and telephone number)
Title of the film *
Copyright holder (Name, Email, Address and Contact number) *
Duration (In Minutes) *
Language *
Are subtitles available in English? *
Subject *
Is your film relevant to the theme 'Queer/trans identities and Sex work'? *
(See text at the beginning of this form for a description of this sub-theme).
Is your film relevant to the sub-theme 'Crossing Borders in Relationships'? *
(See text at the beginning of this form for a description of this sub-theme).
Intersectionalities - Optional question
(Please indicate if this submission is also relevant to the following themes - check all that apply or enter your own theme)
Sexual and Gender Fluidity, non-binariness
(Please indicate if your submission is also relevant to the following areas - check all that apply or enter your own theme)
Type *
Category *
Synopsis of the film (max 250 words) *
Cast & Crew *
Previous screenings (Date, Venue and other relevant details)
Awards and recognition received
Online link to the film, and password if available
(downloadable link would be greatly appreciated as we face difficulties with streaming. Screeners will be used strictly for internal viewing by the preview team)
Are you authorized to submit the film? *
If selected, do you authorize us to screen your film as part of the film festival? *
If selected will you be able to mail your entry to Chennai by June 15, 2016? *
We at Orinam also organise film screenings apart from our yearly film festival (Reel Desires: CIQFF). Do you authorise us to screen your movies in these film screenings? *
We try to accommodate movies that are not selected as part of the film festival.  Agreeing to this is optional and saying 'No' will not impact the review and selection process.
Any other information you want to include
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