
Come Celebrate 15 Years of Quaker Songwriting

with Jon Watts & Max Carter!

In 2006, as a senior at Guilford College, I set out to write a “few songs” about the early Quaker movement. The resulting project–a CD of 9 songs about early Friends from James Naylor to George Fox to Solomon Eccles–changed my life. It led me onto my current path of Quaker storytelling through song and video, and has been the foundation and inspiration for all my work since.


My Quakerism professor at Guilford, Max Carter, wrote at the time:

“When Jon approached me to suggest a project of original Quaker- themed music, I figured he would offer up a few “summer camp” tunes that would promptly be forgotten. Jon had other plans in mind, however. He wanted this project to push the limits of his own ability and knowledge. In the end, it did that for him and for me!”

This Month, I’d like to invite you to join me in celebrating the 15th anniversary of “A Few Songs Occasioned”. I’ll be playing all the original songs live, and offering an opportunity for worshipful reflection on the dramatic origins of the Religious Society of Friends.

I am pleased to be joined by special guest Max Carter, whose storytelling inspired the original songs and continues to inspire Friends everywhere.

April 24
7pm EST

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