Be Both was created to share information about behaviors, behavior management, and to lighten the heavy load every teacher holds on their shoulders.  We don't solely wear a teacher hat anymore.  We wear many hats, one being a behavior specialist.  I would like Be Both to turn into a community and resource for new teachers and teachers looking to broaden their knowledge.  I am so excited to have you on this journey with me!  The world is brighter now that you are an educator.

I'm Afton Koonce.  Certified in EC-6, ESL, and SpEd.  I've taught 4th grade and Kindergarten and have been in Kindergarten the last 8 years of my career.  I hold a Masters of Education and a Masters in Special Education with an emphasis on high incidence disabilities including ADD, ADHD, autism, oppositional defiance, emotional disturbance, Gifted and Talented, and specific learning disabilities.  I am also going for my NBCT certification.  Fingers crossed!  All this to simply say, I've dedicated my career to the vast uniqueness of every child that walks into my classroom.  I've dedicated my life to consistent learning and growth.  I write blogs as I grow and learn so I can share what has helped me daily.

My background and "why":  I volunteered at a maximum security prison for boys.  Ages ranged from 12-18.  Crimes ranged from rape to armed robbery to murder.  Every single one of these boys had a unique and wonderful personality and story.  I empathized with them, felt for them.  I wanted to meet them before they committed crimes.  I wanted to be someone in their life who they knew, no matter what, I would be there, love them, and have a nonjudgemental listening ear if they ever needed one.  The best way to do this?  To teach.  

I started student teaching High School, but a young boy in the prison changed my life.  He had 4 children by 4 different girls.  He had a huge neck tattoo.  It was beautifully done.  He was kind.  He was learning.  He was a kid - 12 years old.  That's elementary age in some districts.  Then and there I switched from High School, and received my certification in EC-6 and dedicated my career to working in Title 1 schools.  I began teaching in 4th grade.

My 4th grade group was rough.  They had a revolving door of teachers the year before.  Every long term sub quit due to behaviors.  One thing I promised myself was to never give up on my kids and never quit on them, no matter what.  During student teaching, I had been stabbed with scissors and pencils.  When asked by a parent at Meet the Teacher if I would leave and how they could trust I wouldn't, I told them that story.  Apparently it was not the right story to tell.  But I was 24, a kid myself.  Never the less, regardless of behaviors, I stuck with that class and keep in touch with many to this day.

The following year I was moved to Kindergarten.  It's my home.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!  My first year was good.  My second year was the test of time.  I didn't count down the days to the end of the year.  No.  This year, I counted the days I survived and remained in the classroom.  It was ROUGH!  The main reason was, I had no experience with many of the behaviors that walked into my room.  So I educated myself.  I went to Love and Logic conferences.  I attended behavior classes at my Region center.  I went to TRBI, trauma, training.  I read books.  I did it all.  I tried everything!  Not a lot worked, but my toolbox grew and grew.

The next year, I had a lot of tools and put some of those to work.  I conducted my first FBA and learned all about it.  Then I took an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) course and got CPI certified.  And every year following I learned how to take data, how to determine if something is working, how to stick it out if it's not working, how to love my kids, and how to support them and their families.

I don't have all the answers.  I'm just a teacher.  But I love sharing my knowledge and I love teaching and learning.  I hope you find value in this site and grow with me.