Calgary has been named one of the hottest summer spots to travel to

Mar 29 2024, 5:50 pm

While it may not feel like it just yet, summer is around the corner, and those already making their travel plans are looking to Calgary as a top destination.

Google Flights has released its list of the top trending Canadian travel destinations based on data for trips booked so far this summer.

Calgary is number two on the list, while Vancouver took the top spot as the top Canadian travel destination.

Other cities to round up the top trending destinations were Toronto, in third place, followed by Halifax and Montreal.



Globally, Canadians are eyeing Paris, France, with Google Flights naming the city the top trending destination for Canadians.

Other top global destinations include London, Lisbon, Tokyo, and Rome.

It’s no secret that Alberta is a popular spot right now, with aroundĀ 55,107 people moving to the province from other parts of Canada in 2023 alone.

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