Stowaway African huntsman spider found in Edinburgh suitcase

The adventurous arachnid was discovered at a property in the Scottish capital after the resident returned from a work placement in Africa. Huntsman spiders use venom to immobilise their prey and can grow up to 30cm in leg span.

A huntsman spider was found in Edinburgh. Pic: Scottish SPCA
Image: The huntsman spider travelled from Africa to Edinburgh. Pic: Scottish SPCA
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An African huntsman spider has been found in Edinburgh after it stowed away in a traveller's suitcase.

The adventurous arachnid was discovered at a property in the city on Sunday after the resident returned from a work placement in Africa.

The Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) said it was called to the "unusual rescue" after the traveller managed to capture the spider in a plastic box.

Animal rescue officer Catherine Atterton said: "The spider was very fast, and about 10cm in size.

"Huntsman spiders are known for their speed and their ability to jump, so I was glad the member of the public had managed to contain the spider."

Huntsman spiders are found in warm and tropical regions including Australia, Africa and Asia.

They are known for their speed and can grow a leg span of 25-30cm.

Huntsman spiders use venom to immobilise their prey but are not considered dangerous to humans.

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Ms Atterton added: "Thankfully the spider was none the worse for wear after their long journey and was taken to one of our animal rescue and rehoming centres to quarantine.

"We've been liaising with our contacts and have a home down in Kent lined up with a specialist where this huntsman can happily live out the rest of their life.

"We know a lot of people find spiders frightening but to the Scottish SPCA, they're just another animal who needs our help."