Lumban, Laguna Church of San Sebastian The Martyr

This is the grand century old San Sebastian The Martyr Catholic Church in Lumban, Laguna. It was erected in 1600 and the first stone church built in Laguna.

The church has a three-story facade. To its right is a square based three level octagonal bell tower with the statue of San Sebastian, its patron saint on top.

The church appeared in the ABS-CBN television series Huwag Kang Mangamba, depicted as Hermoso church that was later burned down (2021).

The church of Lumban was finished in 1600. It became the first stone church in Laguna and the first Franciscan building outside Manila made out of stone.

In this church, the first tabernacle outside Manila was built including the first Eucharistic Procession outside of Manila on October 9, 1600.

Based on the records of Felix Huerta, the parish has two chapels dedicated to Saint Sebastian and the Holy Cross. Adjacent to the church is the church convent built under the term of Father Francisco de Cañaveras.

According to history, the town of Lumban adopted Saint Sebastian the Martyr as its patron saint in the 18th century. The church was seriously damaged during the 1880 Luzon earthquake and was restored in 1889. The massive church of Lumban was completed in its original form during the American occupation and was dubbed as the biggest stone church in Laguna at that time.

The town of Lumban, Laguna is few minutes away from the town of Pagsanjan, Laguna. Tourists who normally go to Pagsanjan also make a visit to Lumban.

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