Bearbeitungszugriff anfordern
FNF -                                                                                Participant Registration Form
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
First Name *
Surname *
Column 1
Prefer not to say
Auswahl löschen
Date of Birth *
Post Code *
Address *
Ethnicity *
School or Education provider   *
Year group *
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Row 1
Medical history 

Does the participant have any injuries, weaknesses, medical conditions or allergies which may affect, or may be affected by, exercise or physical contact? 

If yes, please state problem or any action or medication required and/or any activity the participant should not be involved in?


Please note: 

Coaches are not permitted to administer medicine, or take responsibility for medicines. If the participant does require any medication he/she will be responsible for ensuring it is available and taken correctly.
Photo consent 

It is our policy that when we are planning to use any form of media (photograph, video film or quote) for materials in the public domain, consent must be obtained by the subject or an appropriate parent or guardian, as set out in the following consent form. 

Photographing, filming or recording individuals is the collection of ‘personal data’ and therefore falls under our GDPR Policy. These guidelines comply with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation, May 2018. The purpose of our consent form is to provide information for the person giving consent so they can make an informed decision about whether to give their consent. Where possible the consent form should be completed in the presence of a member of staff who understands the form and can answer questions about use of images. 

We gain consent for the use of media from participants through our registration forms. There is a specific question which ask for consent in regards to media.  By signing our consent form, a person agrees for Ballers Academy to use and store their media (photos, video film, or quotes) for the purpose of the company.   

I give consent, on behalf of the participant as their parent/guardian/teacher, to allow Ballers Academy to take photographs/videos /recording and grant permission for them to be stored/used: (Under 18) 

Parent/Guardian Details 
Parent/Guardian Name  *
Parent/Guardian Mobile Number *
Other emergency contact person 
Relationship to participant *
Contact number  *
Code of Conduct 

I agree to make every effort to ensure that the activity I or my child takes part in is fun and enjoyable at all times by following these rules:  

(1) No racist, sexist, abusive language or behaviour      

(2) No alcohol or drug consumption                                       

(3) Respecting coaches, volunteers, other players, equipment & facility                                     

(4) Promoting fair play                                                              

(5) Spectators are not permitted inside the venue and are to be involved in any activities 

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