Action Genome Question Answering (AGQA)

Visual events are a composition of temporal actions involving actors spatially interacting with objects. When developing computer vision models that can reason about compositional spatio-temporal events, we need benchmarks that can analyze progress and uncover shortcomings. Existing video question answering benchmarks are useful, but they often conflate multiple sources of error into one accuracy metric and have strong biases that models can exploit, making it difficult to pinpoint model weaknesses. We present Action Genome Question Answering (AGQA), a new benchmark for compositional spatio-temporal reasoning. AGQA contains 192M unbalanced question answer pairs for 9.6K videos. We also provide a balanced subset of 3.9M question answer pairs, 3 orders of magnitude larger than existing benchmarks, that minimizes bias by balancing the answer distributions and types of question structures. Although human evaluators marked 86.02% of our question-answer pairs as correct, the best model achieves only 47.74% accuracy. In addition, AGQA introduces multiple training/test splits to test for various reasoning abilities, including generalization to novel compositions, to indirect references, and to more compositional steps. Using AGQA, we evaluate modern visual reasoning systems, demonstrating that the best models barely perform better than non-visual baselines exploiting linguistic biases and that none of the existing models generalize to novel compositions unseen during training.

AGQA 2.0

We additionally release AGQA 2.0, which incorporates several updates, most notably employs a stricter balancing procedure to more effectively mitigate language bias. This benchmark contains 96.85M question answer pairs and a balanced subset of 2.27M question answer pairs. With the updated balancing procedure, no language-only model performs with more than 51% accuracy on questions with only two answers.

AGQA paper

AGQA 2.0 paper


title={AGQA: A Benchmark for Compositional Spatio-Temporal Reasoning},
author={Grunde-McLaughlin, Madeleine and Krishna, Ranjay and Agrawala, Maneesh},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

Download benchmark data

AGQA 2.0 benchmark

[Updated April 12 2022] AGQA 2.0 contains changes as detailed here. We recommend this version.

Download Balanced AGQA with 2.27M questions (2.2G).

Download Unbalanced AGQA with 96.8M questions (105G).

Download Small unbalanced AGQA with 3.0M questions (3.5G).

Download CSV formatted questions for evaluation (1.3G).

AGQA benchmark with programs & scene graphs

[Updated August 6 2021] This data additionally contains the programs and scene graphs. Training and testing distributions have remained consistent.

Download Balanced AGQA with 3.6M questions (3.8G).

Download Unbalanced AGQA with 196M questions (213G).

Download Small unbalanced AGQA with 3.0M questions (3.3G).

AGQA benchmark

This version of the benchmark is showcased in the CVPR 2021 paper.

Download Balanced AGQA with 3.9M questions (1.4G).

Download Unbalanced AGQA with 192M questions (71G).

Download Small unbalanced AGQA with 3.0M questions (1.1G).

Download supporting data


Access our paper here.

README and supporting data

Download README and supporting data.

Scene graphs

Download Scene Graphs of 9,601 videos (1.4G).


Code is available here.