RSVP for Health and Wellness, CCSC Wellness Study Night

RSVP for Health and Wellness, CCSC Wellness Study Night

Join us for a wellness-orientated study night! We will be practicing The Pomodoro Technique. This involves studying for 25 minutes and taking a short break for 5 minutes. Once this is repeated three times, a longer 15 minute break is taken! This time-management tool help you stay focused, and motivated which will help you accomplish your academic goals! We will also be practicing a few wellness activities during the session to help you relax and de-stress!

Date: April 11, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: RSVP to receive zoom link

Please RSVP, prior to 11:00 AM on the above date(s), as late signups may receive the ZOOM link late.

ZOOM: *For Security Purposes, Zoom Link & Password will be shared on event date at 11:00AM.