2024 RUX Third Weekend Registration
Join us for the first annual RUX Third Weekend, August 9 - 11 at Carter Caves State Park! This gathering of RUX cohort members, alumni, and their family across the years will be everything you loved about your original RUX weekends: campfires, story circles, abundant futures, connections, and the magic of seeing your old cohort again. The Alumni Homecoming will also feature fun “choose your own adventure” activities, each led by a fellow RUX alumni.

Third Weekend will be an alumni-led gathering hosted by “third years” (RUX cohort members who graduated the year prior) that is intended to provide: 

1) a launch point for the cohort member’s Alumni experience, kicking off their “3rd year” and giving them a first step in RUX leadership as the hosts of this event, 

2) alumni a chance to gather, build collaborations, and support the new cohort, 

3) the cohort an opportunity to gather after the Community Intensives in a relational atmosphere that is focused on welcoming them into the alumni network.

Third Weekend is open to current cohort members, alumni, their loved ones, and membership program members, and itwill include a fun mix of RUX curriculum and Alumni-led experiences. This weekend is optional and self-pay, though we are seeking scholarship sponsors from our alumni and affiliate network. We also encourage folks to carpool and share rooms to minimize costs for members. Camping is available on site. 

Third Weekend will be hosted in the upcoming year’s host community. In 2024, we'll be hosted at Carter Caves State Park ahead of RUX 2025 being hosted in Morehead. 

Attendance is on a sliding scale. RUXers are responsible for booking their own accommodations. Please book your accommodations at Carter Caves (606-286-4411) by July 9 to receive the group rate ($99.95 per night for a lodge room).  The Room Block is under "RUX," code 4501. Primitive camping is $22 per night and can be booked online via Reserve America, or you can call 606-286-0152. Book as soon as you can - space is limited & popular this time of year!

If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring scholarships, please contact kentuckyrux@gmail.com. Proceeds from Third Weekend will raise money for the RUX microgrant program.  

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How are you connected to RUX?
For those of you who are RUX alumni, what years were you in the cohort? 
For those of you who are RUX alumni, what homeroom(s) were you in?
Please list dietary restrictions and/or access needs we need to know about. 
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