Finding your style is like uncovering your own superpower.

Your style is what sets you apart from other artists, fads or trends. And ultimately it’s what makes your work interesting, distinctive, worthy of discourse and desired by others.

Finding and defining your style is one of the most important experiences you will ever have as an artist. It isn’t something that magically happens—it’s both an exercise in discipline and a process of discovery that allows for and requires a lot of experimentation and failure.

Start on your journey of self discovery as you develop your one-of-a-kind style with Lisa Congdon!

Have you ever struggled with defining where you're heading as an artist? Who you want to be? How to be completely original? Or where your art fits in?

In this three-course series, join Lisa Congdon, artist and author of the handbook Find Your Artistic Voice: The Essential Guide to Working Your Creative Magic as she demystifies the voice-finding process to help you channel and work your creative magic.

  • What does it mean to have an artistic style and why does it matter?

  • What are the critical elements that go into building my artistic style?

  • How do I navigate the influence of other artists?

  • How does my work fit in with fads and trends?

  • What do I do if feelings of fear, overwhelm and insecurity set in?

  • What can I do now to find, develop and nurture my own unique style and point of view?

Each virtual course is led by Lisa Congdon and built with downloadable tools and curated resources to put your learnings to practice after the session.

All classes are pre-recorded and available on-demand in your class portal, so you can tune in on your schedule.

What students say about The Knack School

Lisa helped me get from A to B in my mind. I went from feeling like “how am I going to do this?” to “I can do this!” I already possessed the power within myself as an artist to lead the way and I realized that my career path is mine to pave.

Helena Wurzel, Artist & Painter

Lisa’s many years of creative experience, artistic success, personal growth makes her teaching approach conscious of issues of diversity and justice, and accessibility. I appreciate how much she values the integrity of the creative industry and admire her ability to articulate her insights and wealth of information with her students. Thanks to her high standards and authenticity, her classes are game changers.

Netsanet Tesfay, Illustrator & Graphic Designer

"As an emerging artist, I benefit a lot from listening to what Lisa has to say. She gave great tips and shared a lot of her own experiences with us. She made me reflect a lot on which direction I want to pursue my career."

Monika L, Digital Illustrator

Created for novices, experienced artists and everything in between

This three-course bundle is the perfect series for embarking on a new creative journey, returning from a hiatus or reflecting on your own art practice.

Already read Find Your Artistic Voice: The Essential Guide to Working Your Creative Magic? These courses complement the book with with actionable strategies, real advice and new tools to activate your learnings. The book enhances the class and the class enhances the book.
Find Your Artistic Voice by Lisa Congdon