Entourage 2025-2026 Audition Form
Thank you for your interest in The Dancer's EDGE Entourage! We're excited to have you audition! Please fill out this form prior to arriving for your audition time!

Students should attend the audition for their current level placement (i.e. if a student is currently in Level 4, they should audition in the group for Level 4 dancers). If you are a new student and have questions about which level to select, please send an email to info@dancersedgeonline.com.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for your audition time to get your audition number and properly warm-up.

If you have questions, please email info@dancersedgeonline.com. We can't wait to see you at auditions!

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Email *
Dancer's First Name *
Dancer's Last Name *
Age of Your Dancer as of January 1, 2026 *
Grade in School (Next Year - 2025-2026) *
Current 2024-2025 Dancer's EDGE Level. If not a current Dancer's EDGE student, leave blank.
Please explain why you are interested in participating in Entourage and what qualities you would bring to the team if selected: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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