Sundown 2019
This form needs to be completed for each scout, family member, or parent attending.   Please fill out this form for each person attending.   Thanks.  If you are driving but not skiing, please fill it out as well.

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Name *
Contact Email *
Cost *
Please note that everyone must wear a helmet, so if you don't have one, please include one here.
Payment Type *
You may pay with Scoutbucks only if you have a positive balance enough to cover the cost.  The total will be deducted from your account. If you have a negative balance  or not enough to cover the cost in Scoutbucks, you will have to pay in advance by check to confirm the registration.  If you are paying by check, please make the check out to "Troop 2000" and also write the reason for the check in the memo section.  Please bring the check to the next meeting to secure your registration.
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