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Shannon Osborne - Spain - Torrevieja - October 3-13, 2024

$3,700 Project Goal
$350 Amount Raised
9% 100%
$3,350 Still Needed
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Equipping and enabling believers of the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide, by partnering with local churches in evangelism, to share His gospel with unbelievers and make disciples.
**Total goal is an estimate, amounts are subject to change prior to the purchasing of airline fares.**

**COVID-19:** Although we do our best to provide you with our most accurate estimate for trip dates, there are many unpredictable factors that may affect our arrangements. Please stay flexible as we continue to update you on the status of a trip. Trip dates and availability are subject to change. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

*International Commission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This trip is an evangelistic effort rather than a vacation or tour. All funds paid directly to IC are gifts and are receipted as charitable contributions. All gifts are non-refundable but can be transferred to another participant or future trip.*