Parents, professionals and first responders are invited to this FREE in-person event! We know first hand how hard it can be to navigate emergency situations when you or your family member has a disability,
particularly when it is an "invisible" disability (ie: not readily apparent). We hope to equip both families and first responders with information on how to be prepared and make those interaction more positive.Participating agencies include:
Clovis Police Dept. Clovis Unfied Police Dept., Clovis Fire Dept., Fresno PD Crisis Intervention Team (CIT), Fresno Sherriffs Dept., Central Valley Regional Center, START, etc....
DATE: 4-4-25
TIME: 10AM - 1PM (doors open at 9:30AM for registration, event starts promptly at 10AM)
LOCATION: CUSD Professional Development Building
1680 David E. Cook Way
Clovis, CA 93611
Please note:
-Light brunch will be provided.
-Child care is not available.
-Spanish translation will be available
-This presentation is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice.
Topics include: Addicition support, Regional Center START team and a Q & A Panel with first responder agencies.