Join the Student Christian Movement of the Philippines (SCMP)!
Follow Christ (Rom 3:22) Love thy neighbor (1 Jn 4:21) Serve the people! (1 Jn 3:16)

The Student Christian Movement of the Philippines (SCMP) is committed to the challenge of realizing the transformative and liberative aspect of the Christian faith in unity and service of the oppressed, toiling and struggling people, leading the Christian student to a reawakened relevance in the campus, church and society.

Founded in December 27, 1960, SCMP lives and actualizes faith in the face of all social contradictions by upholding human rights and advancing the democratic interests of the Filipino people in the quest for a just and humane society.   SCMP opens itself to students regardless of faith denomination, gender, age and class origin to ecumenically live, participate and unite with the struggling student movement and the broader people’s movement for social salvation and national democracy.

Some of our activities: biblico-theological reflections, educational discussions and lecture series, integrations to peasant or urban poor communities, liturgies
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