SecretBazaar Beta Testing
Thank you for participating in our public beta testing. We hope you find the product as useful for many cases as much as we are.

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our protocol. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts.

* Your answers will be anonymous and no personal data is collected.
* We do not collect emails, the sign-in is only an anti-spam measure.
Any bugs you found
* You can open a ticket on our discord
Overall, how happy are you with the site? *
Not very
Very much
How satisfied were you with the overall appearance? *
Not very
Very much
How satisfied were you with the transaction flow? *
Not very
Very much
What did you like most about the site? *
And what were your least favorite aspects of the site? *
What do you think we should work on next? *
How likely are you to recommend the product to a friend? *
Not very
Very much
And finally, do you have some other thoughts about the product you'd like to share?
Wallet address for reward:
Email (Optional)
Discord (Optional)
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