RASA Family Engagement
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I think how schools work with and listen to families is important *
Do schools in your community involve parents enough in making decisions? *
In schools, I believe that student voice and participation is as equally important as mine *
Before RASA my PAST interactions with school staff and policy were positive *
What is one thing you dislike about how schools interact with families? *
What is one thing you like about how schools interact with families? *
I believe that if I share feedback and new ideas with RASA they will listen and make changes *
What types of family engagement activities would you enjoy the most?
Are there any barriers or challenges that prevent you from participating in family collaboration activities?
How do you prefer to receive information about family events from RASA? 
I am interested in joining a monthly work group to support RASA in building strong relationships with families and the community *
 How do you think RASA can better support and build relationships with students and families?
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