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To: Mole Valley District Council

Threat to Dorking's Drinking Water

We, the petitioners request that Mole Valley District Council stop the threat to our drinking water, by (a) refusing any planning permissions associated with oil/gas extraction or the injection of polluted water back into wells, and by (b) speaking up on behalf of the town to vigourously defend the safety of our drinking water supplies.

Why is this important?

Oil and gas companies inject poisonous radioactive effulent back underground to avoid expensive water treatment and to support the pressure in the hydrocarbon reservoir, improving hydrocarbon flows. This cost saving puts our drinking water supplies at risk. The water may either never become safe again or it could take decades to recover, resulting in water being tankered into our town or pumped from other areas.

Dorking, UK

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2022-03-19 21:47:13 +0000

100 signatures reached

2022-02-17 09:23:25 +0000

50 signatures reached

2022-02-16 18:53:23 +0000

25 signatures reached

2022-02-16 10:44:40 +0000

10 signatures reached