Search For Smiles Order Form
Thank you so much for your interest in ordering the Search For Smiles Word Search Book!

Here's all you need to know:

Search For Smiles is a project in support of Operation Smile Philippines. By selling this book online for only ₱80, we aim to raise funds to support a cause that means a lot to us - safe and accessible treatment for children and young adults born with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities.

Our partner in this project - Sarah Castañeda - was born with a cleft lip and palate herself. (You'll get to hear more of her story soon!) Now, through this passion project of hers, we'd like to help at least one (1) child receive the surgery he or she needs. This is equivalent to ₱15,000 so we hope for your support! 😊

We call on everyone to try a new hobby and/or past-time that not only gives you a surge of dopamine, but also allows you to change a child's life.

Fill up the form below to get a copy for yourself and/or someone you love!

Again, thank you for your support. 😊 We hope you enjoy your word hunt! #SearchForSmiles
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If you chose the option of giving this book as a gift, please provide the recipient's email address in this section so The Brighter Future Team can send them their gift personally.
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