2025 NCSA Aida Tomeh Distinguished Service Award Nomination
Thank you for wanting to recognize a sociologist who has made significant contributions to the North Central Sociological Association.  Below we ask for your contact information and that of the person you are nominating. This is a preliminary step. The Tomeh Award Committee may contact you for further information or materials for consideration for the 2024 award cycle.  Please be prepared to provide material that supports your nomination.
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Nominator Information
This will assist us in ensuring we have all the correct information for your nomination AND to notify you of the selection process results.
Nominator's First Name *
Nominator's Last Name *
Nominator's Institiution *
Nominator's Day Phone *
Nominator's Preferred Email *
Your Nomination
This will assist us in ensuring we have all the correct information for your nominee AND to notify them if they are selected for the 2025 award.
Nominee's First Name *
Nominee's Last Name *
Nominee's Institiution *
Nominee's Day Phone *
Nominee's Email *
Thank you for your nomination!
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