1Informed Consent


Please read the following before completing the questionnaire 

  • We are conducting a study to better understand the intimate partner abusive behaviors among Nigerian Nurses. Our ultimate goal is to find a workable solution, and the data collected will help to inform this solution.
  • We need volunteers to answer a two-page questionnaire addressing abusive behavior patterns  intimate partners use to perpetrate violence and abuse. Completion of the questionnaire should take about 10 minutes.
  • If interested in participating, please indicate below and complete the survey. 
  • Your consent to participate is implied by completing the questionnaire.
  • Taking part in this research is entirely voluntary. If you decide not to participate, you will still be entitled to all the benefits of the organization.
  • No personal information will be associated with the study, and you will not be identified with your responses.
  • A minimal risk of recalling trauma from abuse incidents can occur while completing the questionnaire. If this happens, please contact the national hotline for help (800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233) and 800-787-3224 (TDD). 
  • If you have questions regarding your right as a participant, please contact irb@andrews.edu. 

1.1After reading the informed consent,





2.4Marital Status



2.7What country do you currently live in?

2.8If from the USA, which state do you currently live in?

2.9If from Canada, which province do you currently live in?

2.10Education level

2.11Is your intimate partner employed?

2.12Did you experience any Intimate Partner Abuse/Violence in the past 12 months?

2.13Did you report the abuse/violence?

2.14What is your immediate reaction to the abuse?

2.15 Who or what is your support for the abuse?


3Abusive Behavior Inventory


Here is a list of behaviors that many women reports have been used by their partners or former partners. We would like you to estimate how often these behaviors occurred during the past six months. Your answers are strictly confidential.

Click on the box by each of the items listed below to show your closest estimate of how often it happened in your relationship with your partner or former partner during the past twelve months. 

3.1Called you a name and/or criticized you.


3.2Tried to keep you from doing something you wanted to do (example: going out with friends, going to meetings)


3.3Gave you angry stares or looks


3.4Prevented you from having money for your own use


3.5Ended a discussion with you and made the decision himself


3.6Threatened to hit or throw something at you


3.7Pushed, grabbed, or shoved you


3.8Put down your family and friends


3.9Accused you of paying too much attention to someone or something else


3.10Put you on an allowance


3.11Used your children to threaten you (example: told you that you would lose custody, said he would leave town with the children)


3.12Became very upset with you because dinner, housework, or laundry was not ready when he wanted it or done the way he thought it should be


3.13Said things to scare you (examples: told you something “bad” would happen, threatened to commit suicide)


3.14Slapped, hit, or punched you


3.15Made you do something humiliating or degrading (example: begging for forgiveness, having to ask his permission to use the car or do something)


3.16Checked up on you (examples: listened to your phone calls, checked the mileage on your car, called you repeatedly at work)


3.17Drove recklessly when you were in the car


3.18Pressured you to have sex in a way that you didn’t like or want


3.19Refused to do housework or childcare


3.20Threatened you with a knife, gun, or other weapon


3.21Spanked you


3.22Told you that you were a bad parent


3.23Stopped you or tried to stop you from going to work or school


3.24Threw, hit, kicked, or smashed something


3.25Kicked you


3.26Physically forced you to have sex


3.27Threw you around


3.28Physically attacked the sexual parts of your body


3.29Choked or strangled you


3.30Used a knife, gun, or other weapon against you