Board of Education Committees: Parent/Community Members Application

As stated in the Bylaws of the Board, Community Members on Board Committees (BYLAW 9131):

Recognizing the value and importance of parent and community contributions to its committees, the Board shall use these guidelines in 1) soliciting and selecting parent/community members for its committees, and 2) describing such members’ roles and responsibilities.

  • The Board Chairperson shall direct the Superintendent to compile a list of parents and community members interested in serving on any of these committees. Such groups as parent teacher organizations and associations, the Middletown Schools Association, the district’s and schools’ parent involvement committees, Parent leadership Training Institute, and School, Family, Community Partners – may be asked to gather and submit the names of interested candidates. Other means – media and electronic – may be used to solicit parent and community interest.

  • When appointing Board members to these committees, the Board Chairperson shall also appoint parent/community members from such list to serve in an advisory capacity for each of these committees.

  • Terms shall start in November of each year. Appointees serve at the discretion of the Committee Chairperson. Service is not limited to one term; they may be re-appointed at the Board Chairperson’s discretion.

  • Parent/Community committee members will serve in an adjunct capacity, that is to say as advisors. As such they will neither vote nor figure in the committee’s quorum requirement.

  • The scheduling of committee meetings will accommodate Board members’ and district employees’ schedules.

Should the Board elect to create additional committees, any changes or modifications to these guidelines shall be noted in the motion to create such committee.

Description of Board of Education Committees




The Budget Committee reviews the current budget (monthly) and makes recommendation to the BOE regarding next year's budget and other spending items.


The Curriculum Committee's charge is to be apprised of curriculum in the District by the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, review curriculum proposals that may go to the entire Board. This committee receives an abundance of information on district programs, curricula, etc.

It is comprised of three (3) Board members, the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning and, when available, a community representative. The Assistant Superintendent brings teachers and administrators, as necessary, to offer their expertise.


The Facilities Committee discusses the condition of school district facilities, makes recommendations to the Board, and advocates for the maintenance of our schools.


The Policy Committee's role is to review and revise policies for the school district.

The committee is comprised of three (3) Board members, a Central Office representative and when available, a community representative. It is usually joined by district leadership to assist in policy review and revision process.

Interested Parents and/or Community Members

If you are a parent and/or a community member within the Middletown Public Schools community, please consider completing the application.

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. The application process will reopen in June 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year.