2022-23 Senior Scholarship Application
This year, MAO is awarding $500 in total to 1 outstanding senior. In order to be eligible for the scholarship, the senior must have been a member of MAO for at least 1 full year (which can include 12th grade). Preference will be given to people with no demerits and completion of second semester points by April 7th. Current officers are not eligible for the scholarship.

In order to apply, you must fill out this application by April 7th; we will then interview applicants.

You MUST also ask one of your previous or current DHS math teachers for a teacher evaluation. You must send them an email with this form attached (https://tinyurl.com/maoscholarshipteacherrec) AND CC dullesmualphatheta@gmail.com IN ORDER FOR THE EVALUATION TO BE ACCEPTED. Teacher rec is due April 14th, so you need to ask your teachers earlier!
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Correo *
First Name *
Last Name *
Please select all the grade levels in which you have been a member of Mu Alpha Theta. *
Please select all the grade levels in which you have been an inducted member of Mu Alpha Theta. *
Do you have any recorded infractions of the FBISD School Code? *
Please rank the following MAO activities in order of personal significance and participation. *
Math tutoring (A-hall, MSA, etc)
Math practices
What teacher is filling out your evaluation form? *
What subject did he/she teach you in? *
Include if it is AP, Honors, Pre-AP, Regular, etc.
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