「敢想敢做.挑戰極限」 黎志偉分享會  A mountain to climb: Paraplegia won't stop me  


日期:2017年4月29日 (星期六)
時間:17:30 – 19:30
費用:$300 (將作為籌募機械腳之旅經費之用)

門票 : 名額有限,填妥此表格登記及購票。購票方法如下:
匯豐銀行HSBC: 556 533 776 833 (LAI CHI WAI)

2)以PayPal 結算



LAI Chi-Wai is a former Asian Rock Climbing champion and was once the No. 8 ranked Rock Climber in the world. In 2011, a devastating car accident that rendered him paraplegic. The incredible adversity, however, did not stop him from pursuing his dreams and Chi Wai vowed to climb once again. On the 5th anniversary of the accident, Chi-Wai climbed up to the peak of the Lion Rock in his wheelchair powered by only the strength of his upper body. His perseverance and unswerving determination touched the hearts of many, hitting the headlines of local and international news.

Now, Chi-Wai wants to set himself a new goal, which is to “get back on his feet”. The ambition is to purchase a pair of exoskeletons to help him stand and walk again. The journey is not an easy one because Chi-Wai had waited for 5 years to get the manufacturer’s consent to sell and it will cost him at least HK$3 million. In this meeting, he will share the enlightenments he gained throughout the journey of rehabilitation and the climbing of the Lion Rock. All proceeds generated from this event will help fund Chi-Wai’s robotic legs so he can stand again. Please join us to support local hero Chi-Wai and be inspired by his journey in the face of adversity.

Date: April 29, 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 17:30 – 19:30
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Lower Lobby, Conrad Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
Medium: Cantonese
No. of seats: 180
Admission fee: HK$300 (for the proceeds of the “Robotic Legs Journey”)
Ticket: Seats are limited and on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please register and purchase tickets for entry through the following options:

1) Deposit HK$300 to the bank account:
HSBC: 556-533-776-833 (LAI CHI WAI)
Please present your bank advice for admission; OR

2)  Transfer through PayPal:
Please present the PayPal confirmation email for admission

3)Walk-in tickets will be subject to availability

The above are the sole official payment channels authorized by Mr. LAI Chi-Wai. To protect your interest, please refrain from using other payment channels.
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