CHS Drama Booster:  Membership Form

Please consider making a donation to help support our drama family at Chantilly.  Your donations allow Chantilly Drama to continue to provide quality performances for our Chantilly family and community.  Here are just a few of the things your donation fund:

* Two Children Shows (Unique to CHS providing Drama 1 & 2 students stage experience)
* Supporting our Drama Students in financial need
* The CAPPIES Room (
* ITS Activities: Coffee House & Camp-out
* CHS Drama Scholarships for Seniors

We NEED your support and membership donations to keep all these programs active!

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Levels of Support for Theater at Chantilly High School
Producer Circle ($200+):   2 tickets to all *four* shows for the 2023-2024 season, name listed in each main stage program.
Director Circle ($100-199):    2 tickets to *two* of our four shows for the 2023-2024 season, name listed in each main stage program.
Actor Circle ($50-99):    2 tickets to *one* of our four shows for the 2023-2024 season, name listed in each main stage program.
Supporter Circle (<$50):    Name listed in each main stage program.
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Student's Name *
Student Grade Level *
More than one student?  Enter their names here:
Is your student currently enrolled in a drama class at Chantilly High School?
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Membership Level
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Payment and Ticket Instructions:
To Join Drama Boosters you can pay two ways:
  • PayPal Payment Instructions (  Using the email:
  • Checks made out to Chantilly Drama Boosters can be given to one of the board members.
To redeem your booster level tickets for a show, please email Meg Dombro at with the performance date and time you wish to attend.
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