The Surprise Arizona West Stake Emergency Preparedness Newsletter

January 2023 Edition


I have an idea you may want to make as your number 1 New Years Resolution. You guessed it, food storage and emergency preparedness. 2022 turned out to be one of the most disastrous years in US history and around the world! How many prepared Saints not only had food, water and power to be self reliant in these events, but were also able to bless the lives of their family, friends and neighbors? As I am writing this, Buffalo, NY has a food and medicine shortage with this historic winter storm and more snow on the way. What will 2023 and beyond bring?  President Nelson said "Admittedly, the Lord has spoken of our day in sobering terms. He warned that in our day “men’s hearts [would fail] them” and that even the very elect would be at risk of being deceived. He told the Prophet Joseph Smith that “peace [would] be taken from the earth” and calamities would befall mankind.” Embrace the Faith, Oct Conference 2020

Make 2023 the year to Prepare.


Mark Taylor, Stake Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Surprise West Stake Emergency Preparedness Website


Fact check, see links below

2022’s US climate disasters, from storms and floods to heat waves and droughts

After deadly Buffalo blizzard, families scramble to find food and essentials

Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters in US 2022


52 Weeks of Food Storage 

Need a simple plan to buy normal every day items as part of your groceries on a weekly basis? Follow this affordable simple plan. A easy cost effective way to get started with foods you can buy anywhere. And foods you already eat!


25 Favorite Preparedness Items at Dollar Tree 

"It can be daunting to see whole lists of things to do, things to make, things to learn, and things to buy when you’re first beginning to prepare your home and family. I’ll share some of my favorite finds at Dollar Tree to help you get started!


How to Make Ghee – a Long-term Storage Solution for Butter

"Butter is the stuff of life! But it doesn’t store well for long-term preparedness when you have to rely on keeping it frozen. But there is a way to save the butter for your pantry….GHEE! Follow along for easy instructions on how to do it:"


How to Wash Clothes without Electricity?

"Have you thought of how you will keep your clothes, and your family, clean during a time of power loss in your community? You can wash clothes without worrying about electricity."


How to Use and Make a DIY Emergency Toilet?

"Consider this: You’ve had a major local disaster where the water has gone out. There is no water available to your house because water mains have been broken, the city water supply has been tainted and shut down, or one of the various other reasons that cause city-wide services to be shut down. What happens when Little Susie says she has to go to the bathroom?"


After deadly Buffalo blizzard, families scramble to find food and essentials

Families in western New York were scrambling to find food, medicine and other essentials Monday after a historic blizzard blocked roads and cut off electricity, forcing many major supermarkets and pharmacies to close. 


 Preparedness Quick Tips - (Click on each link below)

Quick tasks and ideas to help your family prepare for life’s emergencies, no matter how big or how small.

PQT #1 – Keep a Pair of Shoes Handy

PQT #2 – Make an Office Emergency Kit

PQT #3 - Make a Mini-EDC

PQT #4 – Store Water in Unexpected Places

PQT #5 – Store Extra Toilet Paper

PQT #6 – Stash Some Cash

PQT #7 – Tie Your Shoes with Paracord

PQT #8 – Use Tampons for First Aid

PQT #9 – Keep Car Filled with Gas

PQT #10 – Use Outdoor Light for Emergency Lighting

PQT #11 – Ready to Eat

PQT #12 – Let There Be Light

PQT #13 – Pack a Bandana

PQT #14 – Where’s the Exit?

PQT #15 – Back Up Your Batteries

PQT #16 – Take a First Aid Class

PQT #17 – Organize Storage by Date

PQT #18- Use a Trash Bag for Emergencies

PQT #19 – Save your Computer Files!

PQT #20 – Take Photos

PQT #21 – Fun & Games

PQT #22 – Get Your Affairs in Order

PQT #23 – Prevent a Mini-Pandemic

PQT #24 – Maps

PQT #25 – Know Your Phone Numbers

PQT #26 – Give Yourself Permission to Just Do It!

PQT: #27 – Using Helmets for Sever Weather Safety

PQT #28 – Create a Home Inventory

PQT #29 – Have an Emergency Escape Plan

PQT #30 – Update Your Emergency Bags

PQT # 31 – Stay on Track with a Calendar

PQT #32 – Stay Informed

PQT #33 – Travel Sized Items for Emergency Kits

PQT #34- Know Your Utilities

PQT #35 – Bubble Wrap

PQT #36 – Check Your Attitude

PQT #37 – Off-Grid Mixer

PQT #38 – Personal First Aid

PQT #39 – Be a Blessing to Others with your Preps

PQT #40 – Fire Safety Tip

PQT # 41 – Strengthen Your Doors

PQT #42 – Don’t Toss that Old Cellphone

PQT # 43 – Freeze Some Water

PQT #45 – Use Your Watch as a Compass

PQT #46 – Fill it with Water

PQT #47 - How to Boil Water in a Plastic Water Bottle

PQT #48  – Make the Water Taste Better