Black Harlem Renaissance: NAACP Presents Our 4th Annual Image Awards
It's about that time again for NAACP's annual Image Awards! Tuesday March 3rd at 5:00 pm will be a night to devoted to celebrating and recognizing all of the Black Excellence here at UConn, but we need your help! This year we will be providing a Scholarship as well as some AMAZING awards.

For each category listed below choose one person or organization within the AACC that you think has demonstrated Black Excellence and who you feel should be recognized at the Image Awards and explain why.
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Please write N/A if you do not have a nomination or description to provide.
Faculty Member of the Year: Female *
This is an award to honor a female faculty member who are committed to uplifting students and supporting them in and outside of the classroom. Faculty of the Year should be awarded to those who demonstrate excellence in and outside of the classroom. The Faculty of the Year Award honors those who are wholeheartedly committed to students’ success, are engaged in professional activities and community service and have demonstrated commitment to bettering campus culture for black and brown students at UConn.
Faculty Member of the Year: Female - Reason for Nomination *
Faculty Member of the Year: Male *
This is an award to honor a male faculty member who are committed to uplifting students and supporting them in and outside of the classroom.  Faculty of the Year should be awarded to those who demonstrate excellence in and outside of the classroom. The Faculty of the Year Award honors those who are wholeheartedly committed to students’ success, are engaged in professional activities and community service and have demonstrated commitment to bettering campus culture for black and brown students at UConn.
Faculty Member of the Year: Male - Reason for Nomination *
Graduate Student of the Year (Male or Female) *
This is an award given to a graduate student who demonstrates integrity, responsibility, and has made strong contributions through academics and the community. Graduate Student of the Year is an exemplary individual who has stood out during both their undergraduate career and their graduate career. They stand out for their character, outstanding contributions, and academic achievements. The man or woman who wins this award should demonstrate responsibility, charisma, integrity, as well as deep involvement in the Black community on campus.
Graduate Student of the Year - Reason for Nomination *
Organization of the Year *
This award is dedicated to an organization that has been dedicated to the uplifting and betterment of themselves and their members. The organization of the year is awarded to an organization that has gone above and beyond in its efforts to provide their members with opportunities to grow socially, academically and professionally. They also foster a sense of community for not only their members but UConn as a whole.  
Organization of the Year - Reason for Nomination *
Black Boy Joy *
This is a male student who has demonstrated excellence in so many ways. Whether academically or through his engagement with the community, he is committed to uplifting others and creating a welcoming environment wherever he goes. Black Boy Joy describes a man who exude greatness in all forms. In a world where he is dehumanized and criminalized for the color of his skin, he is still able to excel in all aspects of his life. He is resilient, he is intelligent, he is nothing short of a phenomenal man on campus.
Black Boy Joy - Reason for Nomination *
Black Girl Magic *
This is a female student who has demonstrated excellence in so many ways. Whether academically or through her engagement with the community, she is committed to uplifting others and creating a welcoming environment wherever she goes. She who embodies Black Girl Magic is a woman who is beautiful, not only on the outside but on the inside as well. She spreads nothing but positivity and happiness everywhere she goes and excels academically and socially. Everything from her essence, style, and spirit can be described using only one word, and that is “magical.”
Black Girl Magic - Reason for Nomination *
Activist of the Year *
This is a student who has continuously devoted their time and energy to advocate for change on and off UConn's campus. They exemplify leadership and passion, using their platform to encourage social change. The activist of the year award recognizes those students who have continuously contributed their time and energy to advocate for change not on in campus but also on issues that are important to them in the world around us. This award should be given to someone who demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to peace and social justice through activism on campus.
Activist of the Year - Reason for Nomination *
Student Lifetime Achievement Award *
This honor is presented to a Senior who, throughout their time at UConn, has made outstanding contributions to the UConn community. This is not to award any particular achievement, but rather an accumulation of achievements which have influenced the University at a grand scale. The Lifetime Achievement Award is one of the highest honors. This special award is presented to those students and faculty who have made outstanding contributions and have left a lasting impact on those around them during their time at the University of Connecticut. This award isn’t given to celebrate a particular contribution, but rather an accumulation of achievements which have influenced the University on a grand scale . Those students and faculty who receive the Lifetime Achievement Award are the epitome of Black Excellence.
Student Lifetime Achievement Award - Reason for Nomination *
Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award *
This honor is presented to a faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the UConn community. This is not to award any particular achievement, but rather an accumulation of achievements which have influenced the University, and it's students, at a grand scale. The Lifetime Achievement Award is one of the highest honors. This special award is presented to those students and faculty who have made outstanding contributions and have left a lasting impact on those around them during their time at the University of Connecticut. This award isn’t given to celebrate a particular contribution, but rather an accumulation of achievements which have influenced the University on a grand scale . Those students and faculty who receive the Lifetime Achievement Award are the epitome of Black Excellence.
Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award - Reason for Nomination *
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